Obama addresses a joint session of Congress

And no one showed up.
I am writing this before Obama wastes time and energy spewing forth about nothing in particular. Why am I doing this? Because I have no intention of watching that megalomaniacal gibbering blowhard whine yet again on national television. It also appears I won’t be alone in my avoidance.

Louisiana Senator David Vitter (R) has decided to forgo President Obama’s Thursday night speech, and instead will host an New Orleans Saints party for family and friends.

Now that’s a good idea and useful too. I might have a thing or two to say about Senator Vitter’s choices in teams, but I’ll grant that he should back one local to his constituents. 🙂

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) was the first to announce last week when he wrote via Twitter that he would instead travel to his home district to meet with his constituents.

“Instead of being a prop of another one of the President’s speeches, next Thursday I will fly home to IL to talk to real job creators,” Walsh tweeted.

Yes, that would definitely be far more useful than listening to the whiner in chief ad lib his speech. Oh wait. Obama doesn’t know how to ad lib. When he does, it usually sounds like “Uh, hum, ahh unnh duh”

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) told ABC News’ Jon Karl that he likely won’t attend the speech, either.

“If [Obama] sent a written proposal over first, I would go hear him explain it, but frankly right now I’m so frustrated I don’t think I’m going to go,” DeMint said.

Senator, you know that Obama only plans important things like lunch, dinner and his next vacation. Did you honestly expect him to write down an actual plan and send it out to be read did you?

And Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.), who skipped Obama’s State of the Union in January, plans to watch the president’s latest address from his office across the street from the Capitol.

“Dr. Broun will not be attending President Obama’s joint address, but he looks forward to hearing the president’s proposal for job creation,” Broun’s spokeswoman, Meredith Griffanti, told The Ticket’s Chris Moody. “Dr. Broun will instead watch the speech from his office where he will host a live town hall via Twitter to interact with his constituents.”

Seems like I see a trend here. Members of congress ignoring the most incompetent, useless president in history and attending to the needs of their constituents. And then there’s Ron Paul.

Also not planning to attend Thursday’s speech is one of the 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) “has no plans to attend the speech at this point,” his spokesman, Gary Howard, said Wednesday.

*yawn* Like anyone with a brain cares what Ron and the Paulnuts are doing?

And then there’s the Republican rebuttal. Oh wait, the Republicans decided not to waste anyone’s time by rebutting…nothing. This seems to have awakened the Wicked Bitch of the West. She’s insulted that the Republicans won’t rebut Obama’s 12535th whine and blame others speech.

From Fox News:

Republicans have decided they’re not going to give a rebuttal to President Obama’s jobs speech later this week, a decision House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi took as a high affront to the White House.

“The Republicans’ refusal to respond to the president’s proposal on jobs is not only disrespectful to him, but to the American people,” Pelosi said.

I see someone forgot to give San Fran Nan her meds again. No worries, I’m sure someone is looking for her with a net and a trank gun.

In my opinion, I see no reason to dignify the rantings and ravings of Obama with a carefully thought out reply. The Republicans have decided that since Obama likes shovel ready jobs, let him keep digging the hole he’s in. He’s obviously never learned the theory of holes.

If you find yourself in one, STOP DIGGING!

The Republicans might actually be learning this theory. They do seem to be handing Obama more shovels.

Well, I have a book to read.

~The Angry Webmaster~

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  1. Obama addresses a joint session of Congress – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/qbeAV7NDiq

  2. Obama addresses a joint session of Congress – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/f16HIwJA

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