Union thugs attack the Port of Longview, Washington

Good day all. Last week I wrote up a little post on Jimmy Hoffa’s call to basically kill anyone who stood against Obama and the unions. Well, it looks like the union thugs are taking up the challenge.

Last week a bunch of these scum decided to storm the Port of Longview in Washington State. They took hostages and wrecked property. In other words, they acted as unions always act. Like the criminals they are.

From Big Government:

Hundreds of Longshoremen stormed the Port of Longview early Thursday, overpowered and held security guards, damaged railroad cars, and dumped grain that is the center of a labor dispute, said Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha.

Hmm, that sounds suspiciously like organized criminal activities to me.

Six guards were held hostage for a couple of hours after 500 or more Longshoremen broke down gates about 4:30 a.m. and smashed windows in the guard shack, he said.

And we can add kidnapping, felonious assault and vandalism to the list.

No one was hurt, and nobody has been arrested. Most of the protesters returned to their union hall after cutting brake lines and spilling grain from car at the EGT terminal, Duscha said.

While I’m glad no one was hurt, I would like to know why no one is in jail right now. In my unschooled opinion, we have multiple violations of both state and federal laws. I do believe that kidnapping and hostage taking is a federal crime. In any case, what was the motive of this “job action?”

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union believes it has the right to work at the facility, but the company has hired a contractor that’s staffing a workforce of other union laborers.

Now this is interesting. We have a union that thinks that they have the right to a job at an employer, and that this other union should be crushed.

Huh? Wait a minute, What wast that? Are you saying this wasn’t a non-union shop being victimized by a pack of union thugs, it was another union being terrorized by a pack of union thugs. To top it off, the company hired a contractor to staff the business. They didn’t seem to mind that the contractor was hiring union members.

Of course, the the membership of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union members (ILWU) didn’t see it that way, so in the typical union way of solving issues, the resorted to threats, assaults, terrorism and extortion. So what is going to happen now?

Surprisingly, there are a few things going on.

From Fox News:

In an unusual twist, the National Labor Relations Board succeeded in getting a federal judge to issue a preliminary injunction Thursday against further union activity at the Port of Longview after the union ignored the temporary restraining order that he issued a week earlier. The agency will hold a hearing next month to determine whether further restrictions are warranted.


That was the sound of my jaw hitting the floor. The Obama run NLRB is actually going after a union?

NLRB spokeswoman Nancy Cleeland said it was not common for the agency to take action against unions.

“In those cases where we do to court, the majority of petitions are against employers, but that simply reflects our cases,” she told FoxNews.com. “The majority of charges filed with the NLRB are against employers.”

For the Obama administration to actually do anything to stop this is HIGHLY unusual. The management of the Port is also looking for these slimeballs to be punished:

“Today, the ILWU took its criminal activity against EGT to an appalling level, including engaging in assault and significant property destruction,” the company’s chief executive, Larry Clarke, said in a written statement. “This type of violent attack at the export terminal has been condemned by a federal court, and we fully support prosecution of this criminal behavior to the fullest extent under the law.”

The judge who issued the original order is furious with the union as well.

U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton said there was no defense for the aggressive tactics used in recent days. He said he felt like a paper tiger because the International Longshore and Warehouse Union clearly ignored a temporary restraining order he issued last week with similar limits. He scheduled a hearing for next Thursday to determine whether the union should be held in civil contempt.

“The regard for the law is absent here,” the judge said. “Somebody is going to be hurt seriously.”

The judge has the gift of obviousness. Unions have a long history of violence against companies and people who cross picket lines and refuse to join the unions. In the olden days, back when a good 50% of the work force was unionized, they could get away with their intimidation tactics.

But, as the song says, “The Times, they are a’ changing.”

Today only about 7%, give or take, of the non-governmental work force belongs to unions. Most workers don’t want anything to do with unions. They understand that the people running unions only care about themselves. This is one reason so many union heads have retired to assorted prisons over the decades.1 The unions are dying, and like dinosaurs, can’t understand why and won’t evolve to survive. They are lashing out, trying to force people into either joining unions or collecting “Agency fees” from them.2

When Obama and the democrats took full control of Washington, the unions chiefs saw this as their chance to build their membership by force of law. The only problem was the people who were going to be forced into these unions against their will along with the businesses that were to be unionized fought back and fought back hard. The entire union wish list failed in congress, and their few successes in democrat controlled states have backfired in a major way.

In Illinois, first Governor Rod Blagojevich3 and his successor Governor Quinn have been reclassifying homecare workers to allow for coercive unionization. In many, if not most cases, these are the parents of special needs children who are being forced into unions and having money deducted from Government checks and into the Union coffers.4

The people being victimized by these unions and their paid minions have had enough. Right now it’s going through the legal process, but considering how violent the unions have been, it’s only a matter of time before they go after someone who is armed and used their weapons to defend themselves. When that happens, you know the unions will start retaliating against people. That’s when government’s protection of unions ends.

The day of the union in this country is over. They were needed once, about 100 years ago. Today there are laws to protect workers from scumbag employers. Lord knows, if a union member really needs that sort of help, they’re more often then not going to get screwed over. Unions exist as an organized crime syndicate extorting protection money from it’s “membership” as well as businesses. This is all to benefit the leadership of the unions as well as their pet politicians in the Democrat party.

We are at the beginning stages of a sea change in this country. One of two things will happen, in my opinion.

A renewed and greater United States of America, or the complete collapse of this once grate nation.

I hope and will work for the former, and that means massive structural changes in how this country does things, starting with the reassertion of the constitution and a return to the understanding that NO ONE is above the law.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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Longshoremen back at Seattle port after clash | IN SEATTLE

In court, union attorney Robert Lavitt told Leighton the members were reacting to an incident Wednesday in which police allegedly “roughed up” ILWU International President Robert McEllrath in Longview. Roy San Filippo, spokesman for the …
http://in-seattle.org/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 13:15:24 -0700

Have You Heard About The Latest Union Thuggery Outrage, In The …

“not so simple” dress and were “wowed” by the bottom of her “10′ gown”, they somehow managed to miss the ongoing union violence and thuggery taking place in the port of Cowlitz in Longview , Washington, that has since has sparked more …
http://www.hyscience.com/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 12:37:45 -0700

Obama’s Himmler – Hard Starboard

The Associated Press reported that hundreds of Longshoreman union militants held security guards hostage for hours at a port in Longview, Washington. Union thugs reportedly committed numerous acts of vandalism and violence including …
http://hardstarboardblog.com/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 12:33:40 -0700

Down Is Up :: Conservative Voices Myths and Lies Politics Unions …

On Thursday, union longshoremen closed a port in Longview, Washington, took security guards hostage, damaged rail cars, and dumped a shipment of grain — all because the owner of the terminal was using a contractor whose workers …
http://www.down-is-up.com/Main/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 11:30:52 -0700
However, after members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) stormed the new grain terminal at the Port of Longview in Washington, overwhelming guards and damaging facilities, the NLRB was forced to seek an …
http://tomroberson.wordpress.com/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:42:19 -0700

Tea Party “SOBs United” Greet Jimmy Hoffa at Washington Event …

We are seeing the evidence of political non-action at the Port of Longview, Washington, where the Longshoremen’s Union has blocked trains, held employees hostage and destroyed property—-and NOBODY was arrested. There is obvious …
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:24:18 -0700


In Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Anacortes, hundreds of Longshore workers failed to show up or walked off the job Thursday in apparent solidarity with the Longview activists, halting work at those ports. Union leaders said they had not called …
http://angrywhitedude.com/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:09:11 -0700

National Labor Relations Board Investigates Longshoremen Union …

But in an unusual twist, the National Labor Relations Board succeeded in getting a federal judge to issue a preliminary injunction Thursday against further union activity at the Port of Longview after the union ignored the temporary restraining …
http://avidinvestorgroup.com/ — Sat, 10 Sep 2011 09:07:05 -0700
  1. Or ended up in an unmarked grave somewhere []
  2. Union Agency Fees []
  3. Rod Blagojuvich, Convicted criminal []
  4. National Right to Work []
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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

Union thugs attack the Port of Longview, Washington – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/YegIAcEOJn

angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

Union thugs attack the Port of Longview, Washington – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/gWVYzSN7

12 years ago

New blog post: Union thugs attack the Port of Longview, Washington http://t.co/wqVYYCN

12 years ago

New blog post: Union thugs attack the Port of Longview, Washington http://t.co/wqVYYCN #angercentral #tcot #unions #crime

12 years ago

Union thugs attack the Port of Longview, Washington: http://t.co/02vejAO #angercentral #tcot #unions #crime

12 years ago

god bless the unions RT @nedb: Union thugs attack the Port of Longview, Washington: http://t.co/L20dS1b #angercentral #tcot #unions #crime