Rep. Carol Shea-Porter orders constituent arrested for speaking out

Last week Representative Carol Shea-Porter held a Town Hall meeting with her constituents. It went about as well as could be expected. Representative Shep-Porter showed her love of free speech and dissent by having someone who tried to speak arrested.

The person she had hauled off, Carl Tomanelli, was in fact a retired policeman. Good thinking Carol. Have your goons drag a retired cop out of the meeting because he had the gall to actually ask you a question!

According to Now Hampshire

In four short years Carol Shea-Porter has evolved from a rabble-rousing, town hall disrupting anti-war activist who once had to be forcibly removed from a President George Bush event in Portsmouth to a Member of Congress who instructed armed security guards to remove a frustrated voter from her own town hall event in Manchester on Saturday.

Typical liberal, she can dish it out, but she can’t take it.

More from Now Hampshire:

Among the press and the public, Shea-Porter’s abrasiveness, once a hallmark of her putative independence, is now seen as boorish out-of-touchness.

Gee, ya think? What brings you to that conclusion? The holier then thou attitude? The complete lack of concern for any viewpoint other then her own?

To continue:

This week she derisively referred to opponents of health reform as “tea-baggers” in front of a crowd of liberal activists. She also accused former Attorney General Kelly Ayotte of colluding with the so-called “tea-baggers” after she bumped into her randomly at a hotel bathroom in Portsmouth.

Oh how embarrassing! Meeting someone who actually understand logic and actually wants to help her state and her nations! The shame! The shame of it all!

Ayotte is running against Democrat Rep. Paul Hodes (NH-02) for the Senate, not Shea-Porter and was delivering a speech at the hotel, not protesting Shea-Porter.

Paul Hodes is another one of the milk carton congresscritters. Hmm, I wonder if deep down Carol isn’t a secret admirer of Ms. Ayotte and is in fact stalking her? 😉

This isn’t the first time Carol Shea-Porter, (Typical Liberal hyphenated-last-name), has taken the express train round the bend. She recently demonstrated her scholarly views of the United States Constitution with this remark:

So, the Constitution did not cover everything,” Shea-Porter concluded.

Her Royal Highness was responding to a question from a caller on WGIR, a local radio station in New Hampshire.  The caller said:

“I just wanted to know where it says in the Constitution that the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party for that matter, can pretty much do what they’re trying to do?”

Don’t you just admire someone with such a fine grasp of the constitution and what it means.

Rep S-P had refused to hold town hall meetings and meet the people she allegedly works for. She finally agreed to hold two such meetings on Saturday, but she will make attendees pass through a metal detector and run the contents of their bags through an X-Ray machine.

Hmm, seems she is a might worried that one of her loyal constituents might be packing heat. Well, there was that guy who was carrying a sidearm openly displayed when Obama came to Portsmouth. Of course he made no threats with it, and made no attempt to get close to Obama.

To continue with Now Hampshire,

In recent weeks, Shea-Porter has become, in the words of one Democratic operative who asked to remain anonymous, “unhinged.”

Mad as a hatter? Not dealing with a full deck? A few fries short of a happy meal? A rabid barking moonbat is more like it.

In closing we will leave you with this gem. According to Princess Moonbat,

“Many of my constituents would love to wait in line for medical care.”

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The election can’t come soon enough. This twit needs to be sent to the home for complete idiots as soon as possible.

Thank you

~The Angry Webmaster~

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Carl Tomanelli, the retired veteran and NYC policeman from Londonderry who Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter had removed from her Manchester Town Hall meeting on Saturday finally got to speak his mind without disruption Monday evening in a forum hosted by Mayor Frank Guinta.

H/T to and to granitegrok

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