Occupy Whatever morons blockading ports

I had started to write about the Occupy whatever idiots latest bit of stupidity when I was sidetracked by Iran’s latest threat. Now, back to what I was going to write about. In this case, the Occupy Space and Waste Oxygen protestors have decided to try and shut down all the shipping ports on the West Coast.

Where do I begin with this?

All of our Pacific trade comes in via the ports in California, Oregon and Washington State. We’re talking about a huge amount of business, goods, food, etc. that moves through those ports, either into the United States or out to other countries. What these morons want to do is put a stop to all this.

Fox News has quite a bit on this:

Heady with their successful attempts to block trucks and curb business at busy ports up and down the West Coast, some Occupy Wall Street protesters plan to continue their blockades and keep staging similar protests despite requests to stop because they’re hurting wage earners

Yeah, the 99%’rs will show those damn 1%’rs, the ones who actually have JOBS, and work hard to FEED their families a thing or two.

Thousands of demonstrators forced shipping terminals in Oakland, Calif., Portland, Ore., and Longview, Wash., to halt parts of their operations Monday.

And why are these scumbags doing this?

Demonstrators say they are standing up for workers against the port companies, which have had recent high-profile clashes with union workers. Longshoremen in Longview, for example, have had a longstanding dispute with EGT, which employs workers from a different union to staff its terminal. The longshoreman’s union says the jobs rightfully belong to them.

Ah, they are shutting down the port and causing longshoremen to not get paid because of a labor dispute. I recall writing about this back when it happened. Basically the employer hired one Union local over another and the two unions are going at each other. Well, it looks like the OSWO ((Occupy Space and Waste Oxygen)) protestors have chosen sides. I can’t wait to see what happens when the longshoremen who are unable to work, and therefor won’t be paid, decide to teach the OSWO morons a real lesson in how Organized Labor deals with these sorts of problems. I hope the OSWO protestors have paid up health insurance. 😉

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan pleaded with the occupiers to go home and allow the longshoremen and truckers get on with their livelihoods.

“People have to think about the consequences,” she said. “People have to think about who they are hurting. They are saying, `We want to get the attention of the ruling class.’ Well, I think the ruling class is probably laughing, and people in this city will be crying this Christmas. It’s really got to stop.”

So how about sending in the riot squads with lots of tear gas, dogs, tasers and clubs Mayor? You could ask the mayor of Seattle how it’s done.

Police in Seattle used “flash-bang” concussion grenades to disperse protesters who blocked an entrance to a Port of Seattle and 11 demonstrators were arrested.

Well that’s a good start. Just what did the local OSWO do to cause you to clear their unwashed A**holes out of there?

Officers moved in Monday evening after Occupy Seattle protesters tried to set up a makeshift barrier near the entrances to two terminals, using scraps of wood and aluminum debris.

Police Detective Jeff Kappel said demonstrators blocked traffic and hurled flares, bags of paint and other debris at officers and police horses. He said one officer was treated by medics after a bag of paint hit his face.

Well, that sounds an awful lot like assault with intent to me. In my opinion detective, you guys were far to easy on these slugs. So what else is happening at other ports?

In Portland, a couple hundred protesters blocked semitrailers from making deliveries at two major terminals. Security concerns were raised when police found two people in camouflage clothing with a gun, sword and walkie-talkies who said they were doing reconnaissance.

Excuse me? Reconnaissance? Ok, these two need to go on a nice Caribbean Vacation to that popular (For Al Qeda), vacation spot known Guantanamo Bay. This sounds a lot like a plan to do a terrorist attack on a major port facility to me.

So what is happening in The Great White North?

In Alaska, Occupy Anchorage protesters showed solidarity with their West Coast counterparts by focusing on port issues, though they took a different tack in Alaska’s largest city.

Rather than try to shut down the port — which is only open two days a week and Monday was not one of them — protesters assembled to highlight what they said was mismanagement and the proposed expansion of the Port of Anchorage, which handles most goods consumed by Alaskans.

Ok, this sounds different. Are they sure this was a protest by OSWO clowns and not locals who have an actual beef? Something isn’t quite right here I think.

Anyway, what do the Port Managers think of all this?

Some port officials lament the loss of pay for longshoremen and truck drivers, who are not among the nation’s wealthy elite — and protesters would say are among the 99 percent.

“Today’s disruptions have been costly to port workers and their families in terms of lost wages and shifts,” Port of Oakland spokeswoman Marilyn Sandifur. She noted that the Oakland seaport is the fifth busiest container port in the United States and intended to open as usual Tuesday morning.

Do you think these spoiled brats of the OSWO give a damn about the working stiffs trying to earn a living and feed their families? Of COURSE they don’t!

“This is joke. What are they protesting?” said Christian Vega, who sat in his truck carrying a load of recycled paper. He said the delay was costing him $600. “It only hurts me and the other drivers.

“We have jobs and families to support and feed,” he said. “Most of them don’t.”

And there it is in a nutshell. These worthless slime, most of whom wasted 4-6 years and tens of thousands of dollars on worthless degrees in underwater basket weaving and advanced Star Trek studies, have never done a days work in their lives. They have “Mommy and Daddy” paying all their bills, buying them expensive toys like Ipods, Ipads and Iphones. Work? Why should they?

Now here is something these mental midgets really need to understand. Right now, they are annoying and somewhat entertaining. When they reach the point where they are doing harm to people’s livelihood, people will go to their various governments and demand that they take action. We’re starting to see that now with the clean-out of the various Obamatown slums this twerps have been setting up.

If the various mayors, and in some cases governors, don’t take action, then regular people will. That’s when they start carting off OSWO idiots to the hospitals, or the morgues. The one thing most people understand is, “You don’t put working men and women into a situation where their families are at risk of going hungry.” When that happens, they will do something about it and they won’t be to concerned about the OSWO’s “Civil Rights.” They will just club or shoot them.

It’s one thing if someone loses a job due to the lousy economy, quite another of a bunch of dirty hippie wannabe’s cause a business to close because “It makes us feel good that we are “doing something.”” You won’t feel to good when that baseball bat impacts your head or that 30-06 slug from a deer rifle hits you in the chest.

If these idiots succeed in closing the ports for any length of time, I fully expect to read a news story about a truck driver, literally on the brink, who decides that he’s had enough of these jerks. I can see it now:

“Truck driver slams into Occupy Wall Street protestors as they blockade the port. The driver, now under arrest stated that if he was delayed any longer, he would lose everything. Witnesses say that the driver pulled out of line, sounded his horn and hit the line of protesters at speeds greater than 60mph. 8 OWS protesters were declared dead at the scene, 3 others died of injuries, and 38 more were being treated at local area hospitals.”

Don’t think that can happen kiddies? Think again. People are getting angry at you. It’s time to wrap this up and go back to mommy’s basement before more people get hurt, raped, infected, mugged, dead.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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6 Responses to Occupy Whatever morons blockading ports

  1. Occupy Whatever morons blockading ports – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/X8frq4D1cp

  2. Occupy Whatever morons blockading ports – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/AUhCYkWCzA

  3. Occupy Whatever morons blockading ports – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/iiu7QD8a

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