So begins the Zombie Apocalypse

Good day all. I’m rather late with this one, but I was stocking up on food and ammo after reading about the zombie attack in Florida a couple of weeks ago. Of course, the government is covering up and saying there is no outbreak of zombieism, but there have been other reports.

Now, according to Max Brooks, the original outbreak was supposed to occur in China. It appears that he was seriously mistaken. The first attack occurred May 26th in Miami, Florida. The zombie in question, Rudy Eugene, was shot and put down killed by police after he was spotted devouring the face of Ronald Poppo.

Here are some of the gory details from ABC News:

The grisly assault on a homeless man whose face was eaten by a deranged assailant lasted for 18 agonizing minutes and was captured on nearby surveillance cameras.

18 minutes? This is Florida. Didn’t someone else in the area have a gun?

Rudy Eugene, who authorities suspect may have been high on a dangerous new street drug known as “bath salts,” had to be shot four times by a police officer to halt the cannibalistic attack.

When a police officer, who has been described as traumatized by the incident, arrives on scene, he is seemingly casually getting out of his patrol car until he notices what is going on. The officer almost immediately draws his gun. The cop ordered Eugene to stop the attack, but Eugene ignored his command and even growled back at the officer. It’s unclear when the officer fired because the video is obstructed by a metro commuter train line, but it eventually took four bullets to make Eugene stop his brutal assault.

Hasn’t this officer been trained in how to deal with zombies? You aim for the head and always go for the double-tap. Didn’t watch Zombieland?

“He wasn’t cooperative, wouldn’t follow orders, very belligerent,” said Detective Mike Pons. “He had that thousand-yard stare, staring right into you, not assessing or understanding what the commands were.”

I hope the officer understands that he had no choice. When it comes to zombies, you have to put them down. However, this doesn’t seem to be the only case. There have been several others, however the government has covered it up by saying these were murderous cannibals, not zombies. There was a second attack in Baltimore, Maryland. In this case, the “Cannibal” was taken into custody.

The suspect, Maryland resident Alexander Kinyua, reportedly confessed to police that he killed his a man who lived with his family for months by cutting him up with a knife, then eating his heart and parts of his brain.

Gaaah! A new type of Zombie! This one is able to speak! Finally, the most notorious one is Luka Magnotta. This zombie killed and ate someone in Canada and then had the presence of mind to go to Europe to try and spread the zombie infection. As was demonstrated in the training video, 28 weeks Later, certain people do not become zombies but are infected and become carriers. Contact with ANY bodily fluid from such a person causes immediate zombification.

Due to the outbreak, Florida has begun issuing Zombie Hunting licenses. An example is shown below.

Remember, if you spot a zombie, always aim for the head. Only the destruction of the brain will stop a zombie. Below are some suggested items for dealing with a zombie outbreak:

  1. Red Jacket zombie gun for sale
  2. Horton Crossbow
  3. Swords
  4. Axes
  5. Other Firearms

Remember that it is best to avoid zombies. However, if you must move into an area that is suspected of having a zombie infestation, make sure you have multiple points of escape, a reliable vehicle and good lines of sight.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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3 Responses to So begins the Zombie Apocalypse

  1. So begins the Zombie Apocalypse – #angercentralarchives

  2. So begins the Zombie Apocalypse – #angercentralarchives

  3. So begins the Zombie Apocalypse – #angercentralarchives


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