Tag Archives: Zombies

Review: World War Z

Good day all. Today I’m going to review the new Brad Pitt flop, World War Z. This is going to be a rather snarky review, and there will be spoilers. (Not that it really matters of course) Continue reading

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So begins the Zombie Apocalypse

Good day all. I’m rather late with this one, but I was stocking up on food and ammo after reading about the zombie attack in Florida a couple of weeks ago. Of course, the government is covering up and saying there is no outbreak of zombieism, but there have been other reports. Continue reading

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Instructional Video, A Zombie Christmas

Seasons greetings! (Christmas is over so you’re stuck with that now) I missed this little video, but since I have it now, I’m going to put it up. Better late then never I say…Unless the zombies have already eaten your brains that is. 😉 Continue reading

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