Walker 2, Unions nothing!

Good day all, last night, (June 5, 2010), the Unions were crushed in their attempts to overthrow the government of Wisconsin. The recall elections to oust Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch failed miserably for the Democrats.

It does look like the unions may have picked up a seat in the state Senate, however it will be a Pyrrhic victory. The legislature is out of session until next year, long after the November elections. I understand that a number of seats will be in play then.

The Socialist totalitarians Progressive Democrats are attempting to downplay the utter and complete failure of their recall attempt of course. However, thanks to this recall attempt, the unions managed to throw away millions of dollars they otherwise would have used against Obomney and the Republicans this November.

Going through the “Blogosphere” you can see just how amused the conservative bloggers are about this. For instance, our favorite blog, The Anti-idiotarian Rottweilor, run by Emperor Misha the Great, had several things to say about it. 😀

Emperor Misha starts out with Democracy Still Lives which was a response to a YouTube video of a whining crybaby leftist saying that since the Communists Marxists Leninists Maoists Democrats didn’t win, that democracy is dead.

This, of course is typical of Democrats. As long as they win, things are great. When they lose, we are now in a totalitarian, fascist state and and all dissenters will be rounded up and locked into concentration camps. Hmm, sounds a lot like Obama’s Attack Watch web site where people can inform on anyone who disagrees with Obama.

Emperor Misha then followed up with his take on the Democrats Spin machine with Oh The Spin, It Is Hilarious! He starts out with:

And a big thank you to the Washington Compost for summarizing the NSDWP talking points about how utterly insignificant the WI recall election is and their numerous excuses why their candidate was really very, very popular but nevertheless, UNFAIRLY, lost to a clearly inferior Walker.

And, as usual, The Emperor’s comments only get better and better. Of course, Liberals being, well liberals, they were a might upset that they lost and in their usual manner, promptly began making threats against the life of Governor Walker and Lt. Gov. Kleefisch. The twitter feeds were rife with people looking to harm the governor and anyone who stands in their way of marching forward off a cliff. Michelle Malkin’s newest site, Twitchy.com has been following the meltdown. The Great and All Powerful Emperor, Misha I also posted about the threats in his usual manner:

Stay Classy, Liberal Fascists

Not much to anybody’s surprise (anybody with an IQ above Moochelle Antoinette’s boob belts), liberal fascists are now calling for the assassination of Governor Walker ((This is the twitchy feed I spoke about)).

If you launch a nation-wide campaign trying to link the assassination attempt of a Democrat politician to a campaign poster with a cross-hair on it while turning a blind eye to ACTUAL assassination threats, you just might be a liberal.


Others have commented on the left’s predilection towards threats of and tendency towards violence. As I wrote about the other day, the modern liberal seems to have more in common with the 20th century totalitarian systems than with the traditional definitions of liberalism. They are seeing that the people have had it with their failed policies and attempts to control every aspect of a persons life and are voting them out of power.

Unions are particularly upset. They have pretty much been driven out of the private sector, (probably due to their driving unionized businesses out of business or out of the country) Now with Governor Walkers reforms proving both effective and popular, (With the taxpayers), public sector unions are looking down the barrel of a shotgun. Workers are seeing that they don’t need Unions and in fact Unions are a major cause of job loss and the virtual bankruptcy of a number of states. (With actual bankruptcy occurring at local levels)

What does this mean in November? For one thing, Wisconsin is now in play and Romney and the GOP will be putting resources into the state. For Obama, deep denial followed by crushing defeat in November. Walker has shown the Republican party that you don’t need to be afraid of unions. They are nothing more than toothless tigers. Now we have the chance to put this rabid bunch down in November.

As I always say…

Remember in November!

~The Angry Webmaster~

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Wisconsin’s Walker makes history surviving recall election

Walker’s win may also embolden Republican governors in other states to take on labor unions, analysts said. “The unions tried to take a stand here and when you stake everything on one election and lose, politicians around the country will …
http://www.iinfoz.com/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 00:15:43 -0700
Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch defeat the Union and the Le4ftist Dem machine and retain their GOP Offices in Wisconsin. VIDEO: Governor Walker Victory Speech VIDEO: Lt. Governor Kleefisch Victory Speech I like what a … After Walker’s speech, I tuned to MSNBC to gauge the network’s reaction. Mr. Ed, the talking jackass, visibly disappointed, began asking his guests, the loser and a female Senator to give reasons for for the loss. Each of them looked as …
http://oneway2day.wordpress.com/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:57:36 -0700
“A country that loses its values, its principles, has lost its heart. A country that loses its sensible center, its common ground, has lost its mind.” –Chad Selweski. Wednesday … Scott Walker’s win means and how much damage the margin of victory inflicted on President Obama’s chances in Wisconsin in November, it seems that Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post pinpointed the most important outcome. Voters from union households turned out in droves for Tuesday’s recall election in …
http://macombpolitics.blogspot.com/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:40:00 -0700

Lux Libertas – Light and Liberty » Big Labor’s Big Boo-Boo

Succinctly put, the petty, protected, pampered lefty government unions — still indignant over Scott Walker’s 2010 win — simply threw a 75 million dollar tantrum as a third do over on that same election. And the unions’ reward from the citizens …
http://www.luxlibertas.com/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:35:28 -0700

Scott Walker 2, Union Bosses 0 – GCN Live.com

Given the implications of said win, that wasn’t likely to happen. For months, we have heard how Scott Walker was destroying his state and doing it on the backs of the union workers. Actually, that rhetoric started when he began making his …
http://www.gcnlive.com/wp/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:34:51 -0700

Walker’s Policies Won the Recall Tonight « Ye Olde Soapbox

Scott Walker’s win tonight was a resounding victory for political courage and government reform. After more than a year of vitriolic attacks and tens of millions of dollars from union member paychecks, Walker and his GOP allies survived …
http://mbcalyn.com/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:33:01 -0700
Scott Walker Survives Wisconsin Recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker easily won his recall election last night, dealing a morale-killing blow to Democrats and labor union supporters. He defeated Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett by a margin of about 172000 votes (53 percent to 46 … Walker overcomes recall effort Republicans turn out in droves to deliver labor and Democrats a big loss. Results don’t bode well for President Obama. MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin’s Republican governor …
http://zjenanderson.blogspot.com/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:22:00 -0700

Scott Walker’s Victory, the Wisconsin Recall and Its Meaning | The …

An Internet hub with domestic and international news, analysis, original reporting, and popular features from the left, center, indies, centrists, moderates, and right. « Walker Wins … Does Walker’s win mean President Obama is going to lose? Certainly not. …. Indeed, one way of thinking about tonight’s results is that they say at least as much about Citizens United, and the ways it has empowered opponents of organized labor, as they do about the very real decline of union power.
http://themoderatevoice.com/ — Wed, 06 Jun 2012 07:13:57 -0700
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2 Responses to Walker 2, Unions nothing!

  1. Walker 2, Unions nothing! – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/GcyXuiVTuq


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