Chump of the Week: Greta Hawkins

Good day all. It’s been a while since I’ve done a Chump of the Week, but it’s rather hard to select one out of so many, especially considering the Chump of the Century now Occupying Space and Wasting Oxygen in the Oval office.

However, we have a winner! This week’s Chump of the Week is Greta Hawkins. Now who is Ms. Hawkins and how did she earn this dubious award? Greta Hawkins is principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, on Cony Island in New York. And what did she do to earn this award? Ms. Hawkins decided that Political Correctness trumps patriotism. Here are the details from the New York Post.

A Coney Island principal refused to let students sing “God Bless the USA” at a school ceremony — but Justin Bieber’s “Baby” was suitable.

A controversial Coney Island principal has pulled the plug on patriotism.

Her refusal to let students sing “God Bless the USA” at their graduation has sparked fireworks at a school filled with proud immigrants.

Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, won’t allow kindergartners to belt out the beloved Lee Greenwood ballad, also known as “Proud to be an American,” at their moving-up ceremony.

Obviously, Ms. Hawkins is NOT proud to be an American. I suspect she would prefer the United Nations to be running things. So how did this Chump announce to the students that the 5 months they had spent learning and practicing this song was all for naught?

Five classes spent months learning the patriotic song, which skyrocketed in popularity after the 9/11 attacks and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

It was to be the rousing finale of their musical show at the June 20 commencement. The kids, dressed up for their big day, would wave tiny American flags — which, as the lyrics proclaim, “still stand for freedom.”

But Hawkins marched in on a recent rehearsal and ordered a CD playing the anthem to be shut off, staffers said.

She told the teachers to drop the song from the program.

“We don’t want to offend other cultures,” they quoted her as explaining.

Offend other cultures? Perhaps this raging Moonbat forgot that a number of the students who wanted to sing this song WERE FROM OTHER CULTURES!

“A lot of people fought to move to America to live freely, so that song should be sung with a whole lot of pride,” said mom Luz Lozada, whose son, Daniel, is in kindergarten.

The song has been sung at previous school events. Last year’s fifth-graders, including another Lozada child, performed it at graduation.

“Everybody applauded and whistled,” the mom said. “They gave it a standing ovation.”

Parents — many immigrants from Pakistan, Mexico and Ecuador — “love it,” Lozada said

I’m guessing that Ms. Lozada is an immigrant. I know just how hard it is for people to come to America from personal experience. (BTW, Welcome to America Ms. Lozada. We need more people like you and your family!)

So does Ms. Hawkins have the support of the teachers she manages? Not really.

A teacher agreed with Luz Lozada: “It makes them a little goosebumpy and teary-eyed. I’ve never come across anyone who felt it insulted their culture.”

Well then the Department of Education must have spoken with this idiot and told her that she had made a mistake. Umm, no.

Department of Education spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti gave The Post an explanation staffers said they never heard — that Hawkins found the lyrics “too grown up” for 5-year-olds.

Scaperotti said the department supports the principal’s decision. “The lyrics are not age-appropriate,” she said.

Bovine droppings.

But Justin Bieber’s flirty song about teen romance, “Baby,” was deemed a fine selection for the show. Hawkins had no problem with 5-year-olds singing lines such as, “Are we an item? Girl, quit playing.”

Now I don’t know anything about Bieber’s song. I’ve never heard it and I don’t really care to. However, the title does make me wonder about about “Age Appropriate” lyrics.

So what else has this chump come up with in her tenure as principle? How about this?

Scaperotti noted PS 90 kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing “America the Beautiful” each morning. Insiders say Hawkins tried to end that tradition a couple years ago but staff objected.

Now why, other than Hawkins is probably a left-wing anti-American jerk, did she try to ban the Pledge of Allegiance?

The principal, a Jehovah’s Witness, does not recite the pledge because her religion forbids followers to salute any nation’s flag. Staffers gripe she doesn’t stand in respect during the school-wide ritual.

Now I’m no expert on the Jehovah’s Witness’s, but I do know they don’t put anything ahead of their religion. They won’t do the Pledge or sing the National Anthem. This can cause friction, but I personally will tolerate it as their personal religious belief. However, I don’t think the JW’s try to impose this on others. My guess is Hawkins is using her religion as an excuse to denigrate the United States in favor of her transnational political beliefs. Apparently, I’m not alone in thinking this.

The song uproar comes amid tensions. Hawkins has been called a tyrant and bully by some staffers.

The DOE reprimanded her in 2010 after teachers complained she called the school “racist” and declared: “I’m black. Your previous principal was white and Jewish. More of us are coming.

And there it is. Ms. Hawkins is nothing more than an anti-American, left-wing bigot who is trying to ram her political beliefs down the throats of the staff and the students. I think it’s time for Greta Hawkins to consider a career change. I think she would do quite well in the fast food industry.

Barking Moonbat

So, for her hatred of the United States and her attempts to hurt those who are patriotic Americans, (Including the most recent arrivals to this great nation), Greta Hawkins is Anger Central’s Chump of the Week


~The Angry Webmaster~

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Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, won’t allow kindergartners to belt out the beloved Lee Greenwood ballad, also known as “Proud to be an American,” at their moving-up ceremony. Of the 16 teachers reviewing her, … — Sun, 10 Jun 2012 07:32:00 -0700
Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, won’t allow kindergartners to belt out the beloved Lee Greenwood ballad, also known as “Proud to be an American,” at their moving-up ceremony. Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90 … — Sun, 10 Jun 2012 07:25:00 -0700
P.S. 90 principal Greta Hawkins (Image source: New York Post). Kindergarten mother Luz Lozada told the Post “God Bless the USA” got a standing ovation at last year’s fifth-grade graduation, and that the school’s immigrant parents, including … — Sun, 10 Jun 2012 07:14:00 -0700
Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, will not allow kindergarten students to belt out the beloved Lee Greenwood ballad, also known as “Proud to be an American,” at their moving-up ceremony. Five classes spent months … — Sun, 10 Jun 2012 07:02:58 -0700

Anti-American Principal Stops Proud to Be An American | USA …

Greta Hawkins is principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School in New York. Hawkings won’t … The anti-American principal also doesn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance because she is a Jehovah’s Witness, the NY Post also reported. “This shows … — Sun, 10 Jun 2012 06:59:01 -0700
Principal Bars Kids from ‘God Bless the USA’ Song NYC principal reportedly bans song from kindergarten ceremony to avoid ‘offending other cultures’.. But Hawkins marched in on a … Only thing here that IS “offending”, is YOU Greta Hawkins. — Sun, 10 Jun 2012 06:43:37 -0700

New York Times Article « hdmunn

The decision has sparked fireworks at a school filled with proud immigrants. Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, will not allow kindergarten students to belt out the beloved Lee Greenwood ballad, also known as “Proud … — Sun, 10 Jun 2012 06:38:18 -0700
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9 Responses to Chump of the Week: Greta Hawkins

  1. Chump of the Week: Greta Hawkins – #angercentralarchives

  2. Chump of the Week: Greta Hawkins – #angercentralarchives

  3. Chump of the Week: Greta Hawkins – #angercentralarchives

  4. This goes out to the person that thinks i’m an immigrant. Your so wrong i’m Puerto Rican but i was born in America! I’m a parent of 3 P.S. 90 students & i been dealing with this principles nonsense for 3 yrs now.. She’s a bully to the children, staff & parents. Fact is that i’m the one speaking up for the students because the other parents are scared so they come to me.. Hawkins threatens the parents that stand up their rights but she wont come to me with any of that cause it wont work.. Know your facts before saying stupid things like that! Btw you sound like 1 of her Racist clone buddies… Thanks alot to everyone else for your support & positive feed back!

    • If you are replying to me, I was not aware of your status as a born American and I apologize for any confusion. If you are referring to the first poster, I was thinking he was referring to the principle, not you. If he was referring to you, I’ll be more than happy to hold him down while you inflict humiliating markings on his person.
      When I read his response, and since I didn’t have your picture, (And I thought you were from Europe actually), I assumed he was referring to Principle Hawkins.

      regret any error deeply.
      My wife is Chinese and my brother inlaw is also Puerto Rican.

      FYi part 2
      Someone else on another forum, who is also a well known author thinks it’s a pity this principle can’t be gassed. (No he was not making threats)

      Anything I can do to assist, we are at your service.

      • I was referring to the person who wrote the post thats says (I’m guessing Luz Lozada is a immigrant). People need to understand that we’re not doing this because of her race its all based on her ignorance! I’ve been an active part of the school for almost 10yrs & it has never been like this. The last 3yrs have been the worst yrs of the school thanks to Greta Hawkins… She needs to go & not to another school!

        • Muneca I salute you! All it takes for a bully to triumph is to do NOTHING. I am tired of the abuse of power in our city. From the mayor, to the school chancellor, to Ms. Hawkins, the media and newspapers. They spin, spin, spin everything they DON’T want Americans to see. You must NOT be silent. You must NOT settle for ANOTHER SONG. This is OUR Country land of OUR BIRTH! This is OUR Country grandest on earth! We have a glorious Constitution that men and women GAVE ALL to create and defend. Our Founding Fathers would be at P.S. 90 right now. They would NOT leave the school UNTIL the SONG WAS RESTORED AND… MS. HAWKINS FIRED! That is what true Americans WHO KNOW THEIR RIGHTS WOULD DO. I stand with the Coney Island families because I taught MANY children in Coney Island to LOVE, God and Country. Ms. Hawkins needs to leave our patriotic community since she has an anti-American world view. Anything I can do to help my fellow Americans, COUNT ME IN! This is TYRANNY! Good Lord, in just a couple of weeks we will CELEBRATE AMERICA’S INDEPENDENCE DAY. Will it make Ms. Hawkins happy if everyone says NOTHING about the 4th of July. WELL, TOO BAD! IT’S TIME FOR HAWKINS TO GO. And if Wilcott , DOE, Bloomberg take her side, NO MORE SCHOOL FOR MY KIDS. This is ABUSE, and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I am appalled how some people have completely blocked out of their minds 9/11. Well, I cannot, I have lost enough friends and family since that horrific day. LET FREEDOM RING! IT IS TIME TO MARCH!

  5. sablegsd says:

    All in favor of dropping this fugly scrunt naked, with no money or phone into the koranimal country of her choice, raise your hand. Perhaps she will find that culture more to her liking.


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