The Bumper sticker Romney Should be giving out

I saw this on The Anti-Idiotarian Rotweiller this morning.  Emperor Misha who got it

“from Director Blue, who got the idea from the Imperial Minister of War, who got the… follow the links, awrite?”

I’m just adding to the trail. Let see if we can get this made into a real sticker and get the Romney Campaign to hand it out. 😉

I would add “Again and again” two or three more times. Der Fubar is well known for living the phrase, “If at first you fail, then fail fail fail some more.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to The Bumper sticker Romney Should be giving out

  1. The Bumper sticker Romney Should be giving out – #angercentralarchives

  2. The Bumper sticker Romney Should be giving out – #angercentralarchives


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