Banning trolls, part 91238

Good day all. As you may have gathered, I write posts about things that annoy me, (Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, Morons but I repeat myself), and things that I like. I have a comments section for people to respond to what I have to say. I don’t get a lot of responses to what write.

However, once in a while I do get a response from someone who disagrees with my remarks. Most of the time, they can be fairly well written responses, and I will reply to them if I see them. More are from loudmouths who just hate the fact that I’m right and they’re wrong. Once in while though. I get a real idiot. This happened last week when I posted Nothing sadder than a disappointed Obama Supporter. The comment came in later in the week and was a typical response from a member of the Occupy Wall Street, Progressive Democrat party.

It started out with the remark that I was a pathetic racist since I think Obama is the most corrupt, incompetent president in the history of the United States. It came in after I had closed down for the night and was an approved Disqus user so it was automatically posted into the comments section. I saw the posting notice in my morning email and took a look at it.

I knew as soon as I saw it that the poster was a moron, and I started to work on a response that would demonstrate that the commenter was a a useless loser, I got curious as to how he was able to post without my approval. I checked the Disqus management page and saw he was a registered user. One of the nice things about Disqus is you can see what other posts a person has made on other sites. This one had been a busy little moonbat.

It looked like he was basically cutting and pasting the same response to any site that showed any inclination to opposing the Communist Democrat party line. He, or she, never replied to the contents of the post, just attacked the author. In other words, a liberal troll. when I saw all of his repeated drivel on other sites I realized it would be a waste of my valuable time to tell him what a useless jerk he was. I made the decision to declare his post spam and block him from posting to this site.

I don’t take this step lightly. I’ve only blocked a small handful of people and as near as I could tell, those were nothing more than spammers. In other words, no great loss. The number of actual people I’ve banned can be counted on one hand, and you won’t need all your fingers to do so. I like a good debate and enjoy opposing points of view. However, when you start screaming “RACIST!”, you lose your argument. You have actually shown that you don’t have an argument.

A while back, I got into it with someone who was having an issue elsewhere. I actually supported the person, but somehow she got it into her pointed little head that I was opposed to her and after a few back and forth postings, started screaming “RACIST!” She just couldn’t understand that I was backing her. I didn’t delete her comments and they are still available. I just stopped paying any attention to her. She had a good argument, which I supported, and then threw it away. However, I did not ban her.

However, this is not the case with the moron I’ve been talking about, so, I have pulled out the Troll Cannon and blown this idiot into low Earth orbit. Now you all know why I did it.

I don’t like doing this. Anti-troll rounds are damned expensive.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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3 Responses to Banning trolls, part 91238

  1. Banning trolls, part 91238 – #angercentralarchives

  2. I just noticed the troll also posted the exact same trash on another post, the one about raising food prices. I’ve removed that one as well.

  3. New blog post: Banning trolls, part 91238 #angercentral #trolls #trollgun #tcot #liberals #moonbats #ows


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