New Hampshire’s one remaining political embarrassment

And that would be first, (and hopefully only), term senator, Jeanne Shaheen. Shaheen was elected to the Senate in in the general debacle known as the 2008 presidential election. She was also governor of the state for 3 disastrous terms. She is not due for removal to stand for election until 2014.

Shaheen was visiting us peons in the Granite State, (That would be New Hampshire to those of you in Rio Linda), and introduced that other miserable failure, Der Fubar. In her introduction, Shaheen remarked that the SCoaMF “led the mission that brought Osama bin Laden to justice.”

What was Shaheen thinking?

Funny, I thought it was the Navy SEAL’s who led that mission, the one that was postponed several times because that blithering idiot currently infesting the Oval Office couldn’t make up his mind to actually issue the order to put two into Bin Ladan’s turban. Oh wait! It wasn’t! President “I vote present!” Obama set it up so that the actual decision was made by Admiral William H. McRaven. If anything went wrong. Adm. McRaven would have promptly been run down by Der Fubar’s “Big Bus.”

In the 2010 mid-term election, New Hampshire got rid of three of the 4 federal office holders, massively flipped the state legislature and almost got rid of the current Democrat governor. (Who has been so neutered he isn’t running for reelection)

Shaheen is an embarrassment to New Hampshire and to common sense. Obama is an embarrassment to the United States and to Nature. We can get rid of the latter embarrassment in November. Unfortunately, we stuck with the former for a couple of more years.

Remember in November!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to New Hampshire’s one remaining political embarrassment

  1. New Hampshire’s one remaining political embarrassment – #angercentralarchives

  2. New Hampshire’s one remaining political embarrassment – #angercentralarchives

  3. New blog post: New Hampshire’s one remaining political embarrassment #angercentral #tcot #gop #facepalm

  4. New blog post: New Hampshire’s one remaining political embarrassment


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