Tag Archives: USA

EPA declares water a pollutant

Good day all, did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency has declared water to be a pollutant? Yes, you heard me, water. Apparently there is a court case ramping up between Virginia and the EPA. Continue reading

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Now for something nice about the NYPD

Over the years, we have seen one hit after the other on the New york Police Department. To be honest, a lot of it is deserved. However, once in a while a police officer just does the right thing for the right reasons. This is one such officer. Continue reading

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Bill Whittle: A great way to win, and lose

Good day all, I saw this last week but just didn’t have time to post it. Bill Whittle has a new Afterburner video regarding Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential running mate. Bill thinks it is a very good idea. I’ll let him give you his reasoning. Continue reading

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The true meaning of “Semper Fidelis”

Good day all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. I was going through our facebook page when something caught my eye It was the story of a 12 year old Indiana boy with Leukemia named Cody Green. Cody wanted to be a Marine. Continue reading

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