Tag Archives: USA

It’s finally Coming! Duke Nukem!!

Finally, after all these long lonely years of waiting, Duke Nukem Forever is finally going to move from the realm of Vaperware into a released product! Continue reading

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Election fraud 2010

There have been a number of stories today of possible vote rigging and fraud and that the SEIU might be pulling a few shenanigans. I don’t have time to really look into this, but others have been and are continuing.There is no doubt the Democrats are desperate to maintain power and they are not above rigging ballots if they think they can get away with it. Continue reading

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The end of the United States?

There has been a lot of discussion over the years, mostly by the kooks and nuts, about the collapse of the United States. It’s always been great fodder for novels and movies, but no one really took any of that talk seriously…Until very recently. Continue reading

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Obama’s answer to illegal aliens in Arizona

Unless you have been living in a cave the last couple of months, you should be aware that Arizona passed a law, SB1070, (pdf file), mirroring the Federal law with regards to illegal aliens. Continue reading

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