Tag Archives: impeachment

Talk of impeaching Obama increasing

Good day all. Over the last few weeks, we have seen the scandals relating to the Obama administration gain greater credence. We have also watched as Obama had outright ignored the rule of law and the constitutional separation of powers, essentially ruling by decree. It hasn’t helped matters that the congressional leaders have refused to confront Obama. Continue reading

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Impeachment of Obama?

Good day all. As the fallout from Obama’s release of 5 Taliban terrorists increases, people are now actually starting to consider, however distantly, impeaching Barack Obama. We’ve had Lindsey Graham, (Rino-SC), state that if Obama pulls this stunt again, (Releasing terrorists without notifying Congress), then impeachment will be on the table. Continue reading

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Impeachment not off the table

So sayeth representative Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah). As you know by know, a “Perfect Storm” of scandals has detonated under the Obama regime. First is the Benghazi fiasco, then last week came the IRS debacle. Over the weekend, the final player, (To date), was the Associated Press disaster. Continue reading

Posted in Just Desserts, News of the Day, Stupidity | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Remove Barack Obama from Office

President Barack Obama has announced that he will issue executive orders limiting the rights of American Citizens under the Second Amendment of the Constitution. This is a blatant and illegal act, one of many perpetrated by President Barack Obama in the last four years. Continue reading

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