Tag Archives: Technology

Posting schedule this week

Good day all. Due to requirements from my Real World Job, my normal posting schedule will be a little spotty this week. I will get at least one post out early in the morning, but may not be able to … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, General, Jobs, Precious Snowflakes | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Server updates, things are looking good

Greetings one and all. It’s been a few weeks since our hosting service moved our old site and the blog site to a new, more modern server. I have been carefully monitoring things and so far, things are looking good.

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Yet another server update and RCA

Greetings all you nice people and 1400 bots now hitting the site. As you probably didn’t notice, since we rarely see a lot of visitors, we had a major outage last night.

Posted in General, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Site Down issues

Greetings nice people, (And the 200 bots now on the site), we have been down for about 90 minutes. We are now back online and trying to triage what the Hell happened.

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