Newspapers never seem to learn

Good day all. In a case of “Once burned, let’s pour more gas on the fire,” a newspaper publisher wrote a memo to his employees that it might be a good idea to build a database listing all the people with concealed carry permits in in each state.

It seems that the publisher in question has failed to learn from the example of the Journal News incident from a little over a year ago. That was when a newspaper thought it would be a great idea to generate an interactive map showing where all the gun owners lived. That blew up in their faces badly and I believe has resulted in several lawsuits as well as having a few homes broken into by criminals looking for guns. Now another publisher has decided it might be a great idea to expand this to all 50 states. Here are the details from Fox News:

A national newspaper chain with nearly 100 publications and 1.6 million readers is considering building “state-by-state databases” on concealed weapons permit holders, according to an internal e-mail. The plan, laid out in an email from a top editor at North Carolina-based Civitas Media, could be similar to a controversial project a New York state newspaper carried out in 2012 which included an online map that identified gun owners in two counties by name and address. Civitas’ database project was detailed in a Jan. 19 e-mail to newsrooms across the chain, which has papers in 11 states, including Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania.

Leave it to Moonbats to reinforce a really stupid idea.

The newest project “examines the explosion of ‘conceal and carry’ gun permits across the U.S.,” wrote Jim Lawitz, Civitas’ director of content, in an e-mail first obtained by the Buckeye Firearms Association. “Through public records act requests, we will attempt to build state-by-state databases that list those who have the right to carry a concealed weapon.”


A few small problems here. First and foremost, a number of states, in response to the idiocy of the Journal News, have made it illegal to provide that information to anyone outside of law enforcement. Now if they wanted to provide the number of people who have CCW’s ((Concealed Carry Weapon)) per state, most people wouldn’t care. Well the exception would be the crybaby gun banners who would promptly wet their pants at seeing the numbers. A large majority of people support eh Second Amendment even if they don’t carry or even own a gun. Naming people and providing their addresses? Not a good idea.

Chad Baus, secretary of the Buckeye Firearms Association, told he received the email from a confidential source within the company who was “concerned” about the media group’s plans. Whatever the intention behind the proposed databases, Baus said he wants the effort stopped.

“The goal is to raise awareness because each and every time a newspaper organization does this type of thing, the public reacts very strongly to it,” Baus said. “And yes, we do want it stopped. They’re saying they’re not going to publish the list, but once the list is compiled, what are they going to do with it?”

I like the fact that the Buckeye Firearms Association as a confidential source inside a liberal news agency. I think the Moonbats would be shocked at just how many of their associates are gun owners. And the purpose of this database?

The database, if indeed created according to the internal email obtained by Baus, would be used to further “demonize gun owners,” he said.

“There’s no other purpose for creating these lists but to target and victimize gun owners,” Baus told

Of course the only reason would be to go after gun owners. The Progressive Liberal Elite despises people who have the means to defend themselves especially when it comes to the Progressive Liberal Elites imposing their ideas on people. Without a doubt, they would make sure that this information was used to fire people from their jobs and see them harassed by police.

Michael Hammond, legislative counsel for the Gun Owners of America, said he believes Civitas Media will ultimately publish the databases, despite Lawitz’s statement to

“Why would a newspaper chain go to the trouble of compiling a list if they had no interest in publishing it?” he said. “Isn’t that what newspapers do? It’s clear that this newspaper chain doesn’t intend to do [gun owners] good.”

Well it looks like all the bad publicity on this really dumb idea is starting to hit home with Jim Lawitz. Now they are backpedaling as fast as their moonbat feet can carry them. IN this follow up story, again on Fox News:

A national newspaper chain never intended to create a multi-state database of gun owners with permits allowing them to carry concealed weapons according to its top executive, who told a “poorly crafted” internal memo erroneously indicated such an idea was being planned.

Pull the other finger liar, it has a bell on it. You got caught with a “Smoking Gun” and now you are trying to hide the evidence.

The memo — sent by a top content editor to various editors at Civitas Media, which owns about 100 newspapers in 11 states, with 1.6 million in total circulation — laid out a plan for an enterprise project that would use public information requests to establish the database. But Civitas President and CEO Michael Bush, in an email after reported the story on Friday, stated that the memo should not have been sent and that the notion of such a project had been “rejected” upon consideration.

“Civitas Media never had any plans or intentions of publishing in print or online lists of holders of ‘conceal and carry’ permits,” Bush wrote to “Nor will Civitas Media develop databases of permit holders. A poorly crafted internal memo meant to highlight editorial discussions and planning incorrectly indicated that such a database was being planned; it has been considered and rejected.”


You will notice that this was from the CEO of the company not that blithering idiot who wrote the memo in the first place. You know what I think happened? I think that the CEO was not in the loop and was caught by surprise when the corporate lawyers called him and asked if he was trying to get the company sued out of existence. He is the CEO for a reason. Generally people become CEO’s because they have a brain in their head, unlike most of the so called “Journalistic Professionals” that come up with these stupid ideas.

The Progressive Liberal Elites, which about 85% of the media considers themselves to be members of, hate the Second Amendment. They refuse to learn the reasons for the Amendment being written, the generally know nothing about firearms and refuse to learn. They also refuse top believe that a person carrying a gun in a lawful manner is better then waiting around for the police to show up. They also refuse to accept that the Citizens of the United States have spoken on this subject. They spoke with their words, their votes and with their wallets. Gun sales have skyrocketed over the last few years, coinciding with the election of the greatest gun salesman of all time, Comrade Barack Hussein Obama.

Barking Moonbat

This whole stupid idea only shows just how out of touch with American Citizens and reality they are. There is a reason the Obama Propaganda Service, (Formally known as the Obama Steno pool, previously known as the Main Stream Media), is going broke. People are tired of their lies and their outright support of America’s enemies and the most corrupt administration in American history. The CEO heard about this memo and saw the firestorm starting to build and could picture all their subscribers and advertisers in a Conga line out the door. Would anyone care to wager that sometime in the next 6 months the morons who drafted the original memo will be laid off due to “A weakening financial situation?” You know they won’t believe it was their fault and that it was pressure from the “NRA” and the evil “Gun lobby.” With their worldview, you know that’s just how they will regard their terminations.

Stuck on Stupid


~The Angry Webmaster~

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angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

Newspapers never seem to learn – #angercentralarchives

angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

Newspapers never seem to learn – #angercentralarchives

angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

Newspapers never seem to learn #angercentral #tcot #guns #moonbat #2ndamendment…

angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

Newspapers never seem to learn #angercentral #tcot #guns #moonbat #2ndamendment #twitchypolitics

nedb (@nedb)
10 years ago

Newspapers never seem to learn #angercentral #tcot #guns #moonbat #2ndamendment #twitchypolitics