Senator Charles Schumer….A threat to freedom

I always knew that New York Senator Charles Schumer1 was a complete scumbag. He has now shown his true colors and all free people in America should be worried. Schumer has said that he wants the IRS to crush any and all dissent to the Progressive Liberal agenda.

Upchuck Schumer made the statement that he doesn’t think the IRS has done enough to silence the Tea Party and conservative groups and wants them to redouble their efforts. Schumers remarks came out over the weekend and surprising no one, received scan coverage from the Obama Propaganda Service. According to the Washington Free Beacon:

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) proposed using the Internal Revenue Service to curtail Tea Party group funding during a speech on how to “exploit” and “weaken” the movement at the Center for American Progress on Thursday. Arguing that Tea Party groups have a financial advantage after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, Schumer said the Obama administration should bypass Congress and institute new campaign finance rules through the IRS.

This should send shivers down your spine. What Schumer is calling for is nothing less then the use of Government Agencies in a partisan attack against political opposition. This is the sort of thing you see in Banana Republics in Central and South America and totalitarian regimes such as the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Schumers excuse? The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court.

Arguing that Tea Party groups have a financial advantage after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, Schumer said the Obama administration should bypass Congress and institute new campaign finance rules through the IRS.

In Upchuck Schumer’s putrid mind, the only political party entitled to receiving donations is the Nazi Communist Democrat Party. All other political parties are to be suppressed.

“One of the great advantages the Tea Party has is the huge holes in our campaign finance laws created [by] the ill advised decision [Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission],” Schumer said. “Obviously the Tea Party elites gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government.”

This is an outright lie. Most of the donations to the various TEA Party groups came from individuals and small businesses. Schumer and his totalitarian allies think that it was the Koch brothers2 who fund the TEA Party groups. While they may have made some donations, nothing compares to the Democrat’s political money machines. Their biggest spender is George Soros3 who funds a number of hard left, Anti-American groups such as Media Matters. They also get millions from Unions and big money democrats. To say the TEA Party has an advantage is a falsehood rivaling that of Stalin’s declaration that the Kulak’s were the “Enemies of the People4.” Like Stalin, Schumer is nothing if not consistent.

Schumer was one of several Democratic senators who sent a letter in 2012 calling on the IRS to investigate tax-exempt groups for allegedly engaging in political campaign activity. He was also the architect of the 2010 DISCLOSE Act, legislation targeting the Citizens United ruling that failed to pass Congress. Senate Democrats introduced a similar bill in 2012. Schumer also proposed electoral reform in his speech. “Our very electoral structure has been rigged to favor Tea Party candidates in Republican primaries,” he said.

Rigged? It’s the Democrats that have a history of rigging elections. For instance, Senator Al Franken should NOT be in office. The Democrats stole that election from the incumbent Republican. The same thing happened with Governor Christine Gregoire of Washington State in her first election to that office. There is also some question regarding the recent elections in Virginia. So what is Upchuck Schumers idea for changes to the Primary system?

Schumer recommended a primary system “where all voters, members of every party, can vote and the top two vote-getters, regardless of party, then enter a run-off.”

And this will insure a Democrat victory, but that is the idea after all. Schumer wants single party rule at all levels of America. His hatred of the Koch brothers and the Tea Party borders on delusional.

The senator claimed there was a divide between what he called “Tea Party elites”—namely, the Koch brothers—who support small government policies, and the “Tea Party followers,” who support government programs such as Medicare and public education. He said the small government mantra espoused by Tea Party leaders is the “core weakness of the Tea Party, and one we can exploit to turn American politics around to the benefit of our nation.” According to Schumer, many Tea Party supporters are drawn to the movement because of their concerns about a changing country that “white Anglo-Saxon men are not exclusively running” anymore.

“The Tea Party rank-and-file know it’s a different America,” said Schumer. “It looks different; it prays different; it works different. This is unsettling and angering to some.”

As usual, Schumer gets it utterly wrong. Typical of the collectivist, racist Progressive Liberal Elites, he projects what he does on others who disagree with him. The TEA Party was started by average people, not the so-called TEA Party Elites. There ARE no Tea party elites. That’s why it has been so successful. Schumer simply can’t understand that Americans might not like to be forced into a socialist totalitarian form of government. In point of fact, America is made up of people who fled countries that Schumer wants to emulate.


Last summer, we found out that the IRS had been openly suppressing the TEA Party and conservative groups. This had an effect on the 2012 presidential election and might have swung it to Obama. Because of the demands from the IRS, the various groups couldn’t raise the funds they needed to get out the vote. The Democrats had no such problem. Now, the IRS is preparing to codify their abuse. According to the Washington Times:

In late November, the Treasury Department introduced a new rule to “redefine and restrict” the political activities of nonprofits. The administration says the revised regulations are needed to improve the way such organizations are regulated, but it’s obvious the rules were changed to thwart the legitimate politicking of the Tea Party.

Why are they doing this?

Liberals just can’t get over the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court that guaranteed the free speech of everyone. They can’t get over the plain and unambiguous language of the First Amendment that citizens have the right of free speech and the right to petition the government, even harass the government, whether the government likes it or not. What they despise most of all is that the Supreme Court leveled the playing field, enabling conservative billionaires to spend their money as freely as liberal billionaires such as George Soros spend theirs to win friends and influence as many voters as they can.


Hypocrisy, Thy political party is Democrat. Thy political philosophy is Progressive Totalitarianism. Thy Sword is the IRS. Thy Shield is the New York Times. Do you want to see who Schumer wants to suppress?

The latest group harassed by the IRS might be the smallest in America; namely, conservatives in Hollywood. An organization known as Friends of Abe, named for Abraham Lincoln, is trying to get tax-exempt status. The IRS is doing what it can to scuttle the application and wants to see the organization’s membership list. The actors, directors and writers who are Friends of Abe are wary of coming out of the closet where traditional values are often hidden in Hollywood. Nothing threatens a promising career in Tinseltown faster than exposure as a Republican or other conservative.

Hollywood has become a center for Anti-American propaganda. For anyone in the industry, unless they are a big name and draw in big crowds, if you believe in the Traditional American Way, they will black list you. It seems they have forgotten what happened back in the 1950’s5.

A typical tolerant Democrat

It really amazes me how stupid most of the people in Hollywood are. They really don’t understand that in the world they want, they will be one of the first to go up against a wall. They think that if a totalitarian government takes over, they will be able to continue on as they always have. In reality, (Something they have no idea about), artists that don’t toe the “Party line” are usually liquidated.

In the negotiations over the budget, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell attempted to stop the IRS chicanery. Politico, the Capitol Hill daily, reported that Mr. McConnell submitted language to scuttle the revised IRS rules. Democrats blocked the attempt, even after Republicans agreed to a sweetener of more money for the International Monetary Fund, a Democratic favorite.

Strengthening the IRS‘ ability to make trouble for conservatives in politics is a priority for Mr. Obama and Harry Reid, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate. They regard the IRS scandal not as a scandal, but as a starting point for suppressing enemies.

And this is how things can go sideways very fast. What Schumer and the Progressive Liberal Elites are doing is painting a great big bulls-eye on the backs of IRS personnel as well as federal agents. People now consider the Federal Government to be a direct threat to them and the actions of Schumer, Obama and others does nothing to reduce that belief. In fact Schumer’s statements and actions are increasing them.


The United States is on the cusp of an outright shooting civil war. All that is missing is the catalyst. Schumer, Obama, Reid and all the Progressive Moonbats seem to be doing all they can to start it. I can’t understand why they are doing this. Do they think they would win such a war? Is that their goal? Cause a civil war so they can institute Martial Law, suspend the constitution and begin round ups of all those who won’t bend to their diktats? Are they really that stupid?

Apparently so. This would explain why the Progressive Liberal Democrats are so dead set against the private ownership of firearms. They must know, or subconsciously feel, that the American people are generally a bit right of center and deep down just want to be left the Hell alone. At some point the people may decide that there is no other alternative and move to restore the Constitutional form of government that both parties have shredded. When that happens, it will be a disaster. Millions will die and the political elites will be at the head if the list.


Leftists, progressives and elitists are so delusional that they don’t believe that the people will take up arms. They are so into “Group think” and only talking to those of a like mind that they have lost touch with the people in “Flyover Country6.” They have essentially the same mindset as King George III and the British Parliament. For those of you who went to public school, this was back before the American Revolution. The crown and the Parliament began taxing the colonists and refused to listen to their grievances. This is what’s happening now. A political class that refuses to listen to their constituents. New taxes and regulations being shoved down the throats of Americans and an utter refusal to listen to people.

comrade obama

It isn’t to late to pull back from a potential civil war. The last one killed 600,000 people out of a population of roughly 30 million. In today’s terms, that would be upwards of 6 MILLION people killed in the United States today. This has to be avoided. As someone wrote in a blog post regarding the huge number of gun sales and the shortages of ammunition, the American people aren’t buying guns and ammo in case of a ban, they are preparing for war7. The first thing that needs to be done to prevent a civil war is to get someone to tell Upchuck Schumer to SHUT UP!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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It’s an example of sensible conservative governance – not, as so much of the liberal media seemed to imagine, a Tea Party coup d’etat. No wonder he beat the recall effort. Not only has he delivered the goods but (this is … Chuck Schumer: Tea Party Opposes Immigration for M… O’s woes will boost GOP in ’16 · Rand Paul: Obama’s executive actions pledge …. Why Bridgegate made headlines but Obama’s IRS scan… Robert Fulford: Barack Obama may be commander-in-c… Taming the … — Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:20:00 -0800
ATR reports that “according to reports, the ‘offer’ President Obama is making is to raise net taxes on employers, and use some of the tax increase revenue windfall to pay for Democrat-aligned union construction projects.” Obama will … Chuck Schumer: Tea Party Opposes Immigration for M… O’s woes will boost … Schumer’s Plan for Beating the Tea Party: More Gov. … As Tea Party Becomes More Viable, Democrats And GO. … Why Bridgegate made headlines but Obama’s IRS scan. — Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:15:00 -0800
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Thursday that the Internal Revenue Service should be used more aggressively to keep Tea Party funding in check, explaining that this would help “weaken” and “exploit” the conservative movement. — Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:00:00 -0800
Chuck Schumer, D-NY, wants to declare war on the tea party, which shows how very much afraid he is of the popular movement to restrain the size of government and to restrain its overreach. In so doing he misses the point. posted by Mark at … — Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:59:00 -0800
… Arrested for Money Laundering on Silk Road. By Dustin Volz. The IRS might not be sure how to treat bitcoins, but the Justice Department, for now, is continuing to treat the cryptocurrency like old-fashioned greenbacks. … Introduces Bill to Protect Autistic Children. By Laura Ryan. Schumer wants to prevent Avonte’s tragedy from happening again. … Regarding: Shelley Moore Capito Doesn’t Worry Much About the Tea Party. Corey Chambers •: It’s not that complicated. My tax man said … — Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:56:52 -0800
(Obama’s Plan to Use Executive Action Triggers Criticism). “According to the … Liberty Counsel reports it has been targeted by the IRS. Franklin … Chuck Schumer of NY for more IRS harassment and targeting of the Tea Party. He readily … — Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:01:27 -0800
SCHIEFFER: And joining us now for some reaction to the Republican side of things, at least Tea Party side of things, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer. I`ll just give you the chance to respond, what did you think of what Senator Cruz had to … — Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:32:11 -0800
  1. Charles Ellis “Chuck” Schumer []
  2. Koch family []
  3. George Soros []
  4. Stalin’s forced famine []
  5. entertainment industry blacklist []
  6. Flyover country, flyover states, and Flyoverland []
  7. Something funny happened on the way to tyranny []
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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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Senator Charles Schumer….A threat to freedom – #angercentralarchives

nedb (@nedb)
9 years ago

RT @angrywebmaster: Senator Charles Schumer….A threat to freedom – #angercentralarchives

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Senator Charles Schumer….A threat to freedom #angercentral #tcot #teaparty #tyranny…

angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

Senator Charles Schumer….A threat to freedom #angercentral #tcot #teaparty #tyranny #chuckschumer #irs

nedb (@nedb)
10 years ago

Senator Charles Schumer….A threat to freedom #angercentral #tcot #teaparty #tyranny #chuckschumer #irs