Ted Cruz attacked for telling the truth

Good day all. Last week Senator Ted Cruz took to the Senate floor and called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar. As you would expect, McConnell’s pals have launched an attack on Cruz.


McConnell, or “McCockless” as I’ve seen him called elsewhere, flat out lied to get reelected in 2014. Since he became majority leader, he, like Crybaby Boehner have rolled over repeatedly for Obama. Finally, Cruz had enough of being lied to by McConnell and let him have it. Now, McConnell’s fossilized pals are going after Cruz. Here are some of the details from McClatchy DC:

The Senate’s Republican leadership rhetorically took Sen. Ted Cruz to the woodshed Sunday, (July 26) for calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar last week on the chamber’s floor.

If they thought that would awe Senator Cruz, well, they were mistaken.

Cruz was unbowed, firing back soon after leaving the Senate floor and accusing Senate Republican leaders of marching in lockstep with Senate Democrats on such things as funding the Affordable Care Act, funding Planned Parenthood and refusing to tie an Iran nuclear deal to Iran’s recognition of Israel’s right to exist. “They operate as a team, expanding Washington and undermining the liberty of the people,” the Texas Republican said of Senate Democratic and Republican leaders.

Ted Cruz understands why he was sent to Washington. It wasn’t to get nice and comfortable as part of the Beltway Elites, ruling over the hoi polloi in flyover country.

We’ve just seen something extraordinary on the Senate floor. The American people elected a Republican majority believing that a Republican majority would be somehow different from a Democratic majority in the United States Senate. Unfortunately, the way the current Senate operates, there is one party, the Washington party.”


Senator Cruz is correct. That party has many names. The Incumbent Party, The Washington Party, and the Republicrats just to name a few. As you might expect, the Incontinent Party, (Due to the average age of the membership), took offense that some uppity Conservative wasn’t going to toe their line.

The Senate opened the rare Sunday session in a highly unusual manner: with a warning. “The chair reminds all senators of the following paragraph from Rule 19 of the Standing Rules of the Senate … ‘No senator in debate shall directly or indirectly by any form of words impute to another senator or to other senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator,’” Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the chamber’s president pro tempore, sternly read.


Hatch can bite my ass. The only reason his wrinkly butt is still in the Senate was his outright lying during the Primary campaign in 2014. Hatch went on with a lengthy screech about how the junior members must always defer and be nice to the dinosaurs who have been in office since the Jurassic period.

We treat each other with honor, even when we feel another has perhaps not accorded us the same esteem,” Hatch said. “Squabbling and sanctimony may be tolerated on the campaign trail but not (in) here.”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_8YTa_-hZw’]

Now this whole thing was over the re-authorization of the Boeing Federal Slush Fund Ex-IM Bank, which had expired shortly before. Cruz was told to his face by McConnell that the Ex-IM bank was dead only to see McConnell bring it back to life. This was the final straw as far as Cruz was concerned and he let his feeling be known.

chuck Norris

Cruz and the other constitutional conservatives have been assaulted by the RINO’s since day one. They and their supporters are seen as a threat to the dinosaurs on both sides. What they fail to understand is the blind rage out here in flyover country. Cruz, as well as Trump have tapped into that, which is why Trump isn’t suffering for insulting John McCain’s war record.


Little by little, the Jurassic RINO’s are either losing their elections or dying off. The problem is, it isn’t happening fast enough. By the time we finally flush these vermin and their Chamber of Cronyism Commerce allies out, we might not have a country left. 2016 is fast approaching and this may be the critical election for America. I don’t know if Ted Cruz should be President, but he’s a heck of a lot more honest then that lying POS McConnell and that worthless slimeball Jeb Bush.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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