Conservative calls for the removal of John Boehner

Good day all. As you know, Ted Cruz went after House Majority Leader Mitch “The Moron” McConnell, calling him a liar. Now there is motion to vacate the chair of the speaker of the house, basically calling for the removal of Crybaby Boehner.

speaker of deceit

Boehner has been a total failure for the conservatives, basically rolling over for King Putt at almost every opportunity. When the conservative and Tea Party wings of the Republican party in the House refused to go along with Crybaby’s cave in’s to Obama, Boehner would punish them. Now someone has had enough and has started the process to remove Boehner. Here are the details from Politico:

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows had heard from leading conservatives that trying to oust Speaker John Boehner right now was a bad idea. Reps. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), fierce and frequent critics of leadership, thought the move was ill-advised. Some of Meadows’ friends didn’t even see it coming. But just before 6 p.m. Tuesday — a day before the House was set to leave town for its five-week summer recess — Meadows offered a motion to vacate the chair, an extraordinarily rare procedural move that represents the most serious expression of opposition to Boehner’s speakership.

What would be the results if Boehner were removed from the Speakership?

If the motion were to pass — most Republicans say it will be hard to cobble together the votes — Boehner would be stripped of the speaker’s gavel, potentially plunging the House of Representatives into chaos.

Good! That wretched hive of scum and villainy could use some shaking up.

GOP leaders were taken completely by surprise. Meadows, a second-term Republican, hadn’t even asked for a meeting with Boehner or other top Republicans to air his gripes.


Until now, the North Carolina Republican had taken small steps to undermine Boehner — he voted against procedural motions and against Boehner for speaker. Now he’s declared all-out war, and he could quickly find out how many people are willing to back him up.

I don’t know why this is surprising anyone. Boehner has been going after all the Conservatives in the house, most recently Meadows himself. What’s surprising is that Meadows didn’t call for an immediate vote to remove that worthless sack of manure.

Meadows, however, didn’t go as far as he could have. A motion to vacate the chair — last attempted roughly a century ago — is typically considered a privileged resolution. In that format, the House would hold a vote within two legislative days. Meadows, however, chose not to offer it in that form, which he said was a sign that he wanted a discussion.

I suspect that Boehner won’t talk to Meadows at all. More than likely, he’s going to go after him, up to and including trying to expel him from the house. In any case, the political maneuvers have begun.

Meadows’ move will undoubtedly force Republican lawmakers over the recess to answer questions about Boehner’s political problems, and possibly shift attention away from their opposition to the Iran nuclear deal and other priorities.

First, it doesn’t matter what Congress does with regards to Iran, Obama’s cave in to them is a done deal, and sometime in the next 5-10 years, we will lose a few cities to Iranian nuclear weapons smuggled into the United States. One of the reasons for this is Boehner’s outright refusal to protect the separation of powers. Why? It means impeaching Obama.

Obama and Boehner

The second thing that will happen is the representatives are going to get an earful from their constituents. Boehner is not popular with the Republican Base. I suspect that a number of spineless RINO’s are going to be told to vote to remove Boehner or they will be removed in 2016.

Meadows’ move set off a frenzy of discussion within the GOP leadership. Late Tuesday evening, some of Boehner’s close allies and other figures atop the party said they thought Boehner (R-Ohio) should call up Meadows’ resolution himself, as a way to demonstrate his power and tamp down the rebellion from the right for good.

Of course Boehner won’t do that. He’s a craven coward as well as a bald faced liar.

It’s unclear whether Boehner is willing to take that risky step or instead will opt to ignore the motion altogether. To be safe, Republican leadership allies were informally gathering intelligence from the rank and file late Tuesday.

Gather intelligence? First, this is a political action, not a military one. Second, everyone knows there is no intelligence in the House of Representatives.

Meadows’ resolution states that Boehner tried to “consolidate power and centralize decision-making, bypassing the majority of the 435 members of Congress and the people they represent.” It accuses the speaker of using the “legislative calendar to create crises for the American people, in order to compel members to vote for legislation.” The resolution also charges Boehner with using the Rules Committee to limit amendments.

It isn’t just the membership of the house that Boehner is ignoring, it’s the will of the voters. The people put the Republicans in office in order to stop Obama and roll back the disaster he’s made of the United States. Boehner not only hasn’t done anything to stop Der Fubar, in many cases he’s actively aided him.

The “Speaker has, through inaction, caused the power of Congress to atrophy, thereby making Congress subservient to the Executive and Judicial branches, diminishing the voice of the American People,” it reads. “Whereas the Speaker uses the power of the office to punish Members who vote according to their conscience instead of the will of the Speaker.”

This one is a major accusation. The Government of the United States is designed so that the house, senate and the administration are co-equal branches. (The Judicial branch is meant to be the inferior branch. They just don’t pay attention to that bit) Obama has been acting like a tin pot dictator ignoring the congress and just doing what he wants.

generalissom Obama

The Constitution and the rule of law mean nothing to him. If we had a speaker and a majority leader who weren’t such out and out cowards, Obama would already be gone and we would have, God helps us), President Biden. Since the Establishment RINO contingent only care about themselves and not the nation, we get remarks like this.

Early reviews of Meadows’ move were harsh. Republican Study Chairman Bill Flores of Texas called the move a “cheap political stunt.” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said “when you don’t raise any money, and you need a way to raise money, you do gimmicks like this.”


But Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), who has repeatedly voted against Boehner, said there’s a lot of “dissatisfaction with the leadership.”

The only problem is that there isn’t anyone looking for the job. Personally, I would like to see Trey Gowdy take over. He isn’t a part of this, but he has also run into issues with Boehner’s spinelessness. Now, if this actually goes to a vote, and Boehner looks like he will lose, he will go to the Democrats to help keep his ass in that speakers chair. Here’s what I would do to really throw a wrench in the works.

The conservative wing, votes to support Nancy Pelosi as speaker. If the numbers work out, the Democrats will dump Boehner in a heartbeat. Once she’s in, 24 hours later vote to remove her from the chair and put anyone but Boehner in. She won’t have a prayer since none of the Republicans can stand that shrew. Then they put someone else in place. I doubt this would happen though.

Flying pig

The other thing we would have to do is wait for the 2016 elections and do to Boehner what was done to his pal Eric Cantor. If you recall, Cantor, who was part of the leadership, lost his primary against a first timer who taught economics in a collage. The RINO’s still haven’t figured out how that happened, and that means, as long as a good set of opponents can be found, that Boehner and the other scum can be tossed out on their rears. That would send shock waves throughout the beltway and the New York cocktail circuit. We shall see what happens.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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Mark Meadows & 3 Co-Sponsors Move to “Fire” Speaker John Boehner of The United States Congress!!!!! This New Resolution by Mark Meadows and 3 co-sponsors, if passed, will act to oust Republican Speaker of the U.S. House John … — Fri, 31 Jul 2015 16:34:18 -0700
“He voted against Boehner for speaker on the House floor in January — one of 25 Republicans to do so. He also cast one of just 34 Republican votes against a pivotal procedural move on trade. In June, Meadows was briefly removed from his … — Thu, 30 Jul 2015 14:00:00 -0700
Yesterday, North Ca rolina Congressman Mark Meadows courageously submitted a “Motion to Vacate the Chair.” The “Chair” in this case is Speaker Boehner. If successful, Congressman Meadows’ motion would remove Congressman … — Thu, 30 Jul 2015 09:50:00 -0700

Conservative Rep Meadows Files to Oust Boehner – The …

In a blistering resolution, Meadows slammed Boehner for causing the “power of Congress to atrophy” and using his office to “punish members who vote according to their conscience instead of the will of the Speaker.” The measure was referred to the Rules Committee, aides said. No one has challenged … A petition has also begun on to have Meadows removed from office. CNN reported the frustration of another member, who asked to remain anonymous: “We were all … — Thu, 30 Jul 2015 09:00:00 -0700
Tuesday Meadows, in fact, did the opposite, filing a resolution to “vacate the chair,” which would remove Boehner as Speaker. Meadows’ resolution went to the Rules Committee, where chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX), a firm Boehner ally, … — Thu, 30 Jul 2015 07:00:00 -0700
Meadows said he introduced the resolution to spark a “discussion” about how leaders are running the House and did not intend to force a vote on removing Boehner. “It’s really more about trying to have a conversation on making this place … — Thu, 30 Jul 2015 03:46:24 -0700

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C.), a Meadows supporter, told CNN this morning that Boehner “has used too much force to intimidate, and that is wrong.” Meadows was temporarily removed as chairman of an Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee in June. — Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:24:55 -0700
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