EPA and Environmental groups colluding?

Good day all. This story came out last week and basically was popped like a pimple due to Trumpmania. It looks like the Environmental Protection Agency has been colluding with the radical Green organizations regarding the Clean Power Plan.

Earth First

With the release of the new regulations which are designed to black out a fair part of the country, people have started looking into who was involved in the decision making process. Here is what has been found from Fox News:

Numerous emails appear to show close coordination between the EPA and environmental groups in drafting the controversial Clean Power Plan which could mark the demise of coal-fired power plants in the United States.

The emails, obtained by Fox News, came to light in a lawsuit filed by the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Chris Horner, of EELI, told Fox News he believes the emails show a breach of the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, which codifies constitutional guarantees in federal rulemaking.

“There is a process under our laws — very specific, very precise — detailing how agencies are allowed to write what is, in effect, law,” Horner said. “They are to afford all parties equal right to participate. They are not permitted to write rules in the backroom with your buddy or on Yahoo accounts with your buddy.”

Gee, I wonder if Mr. Horner has been paying any attention on how the Environmentalist fanatics pay absolutely no attention to the to the rules and the law? Has he ever heard of Carol Browner? She was notorious for ignoring rules and regulations regarding the handling of documents and email. Speaking of emails…

In one email, Sierra Club’s lobbyist John Coequet jokes to two senior EPA executives: “Pants on Fire.” That’s his observation to a reference then-assistant EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy made in an Aug. 15, 2012, keynote address to Coal-Gen, a coal industry group. McCarthy told the crowd, “Coal will continue to provide more of Americans’ electricity than any other fuel source, producing nearly 40 percent of all generation in 2035.”

Horner said, “They all knew this was a lie. They were saying what they knew they would have to say just to get by.”


In another memo, an EPA staffer writes a colleague, “Is it possible for you all to put together a summary of the arguments the Sierra Club made on why GHG [greenhouse gases] are currently regulated under the CAA [Clean Air Act]? Gina would like to get a copy.”


And in another, a Sierra Club lobbyist writes how the EPA could craft a standard that no coal-fired plant could meet, while an EPA associate administrator, Michael Goo, responds on his Yahoo account, “attached is a memo I didn’t want to send in public.”


The new rules that came out will force most of the coal fired plants to shut down. This will cause rolling blackouts, and in some areas, those blackouts will be permanent. This nonsense about “Green Energy Generation” is just that nonsense. The emails and other documents seem to show that the radical environmentalist groups were dictating what the new rules and that the industry were ignored entirely. Because of this and other reports, Congress, at least the Republicans, are starting to look into this.

The emails have prompted a congressional inquiry. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, chairman of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, earlier wrote former assistant administrator Goo asking him to preserve all his private emails dealing with official correspondence from 2011 to 2014. Smith wrote, “You seemingly routinely communicated with third party groups attempting to influence the Administration’s agenda.”

I’m sorry to say that all those emails were on Hillary Clinton’s mail server. They have been deleted since they contained personal messages that have no bearing on government actions.


The EPA, actually every single agency in the Obama Regime, has been outright ignoring Congress, and when they couldn’t ignore them, lied to them. They know that the Congress has made themselves toothless. The rules will go into effect, the courts will do nothing and millions of people will suddenly learn what it was like to live in the 18th century. The EPA needs to be shut down and shutdown now. They are now rivaling the old Nazi Gestapo and SS in their actions.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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