Obama may interfere with legal case against Palestinian terrorists

Good day all. With all the Trump and Debate news, this story slipped in under the radar last week. Apparently, a court case against the Palestinian Liberation Organization, (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority, (PA), was concluded with a massive judgment against the PLO and PA.


The case revolved around the terrorist actions of the PLO and the support of this by the PA. Families of the victims took the Palestinians to court and won big. Obama, who supports Islamic terrorism, is taking exception to this. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Obama administration has signaled it may intervene next week in a civil lawsuit in which 11 American families won a potential billion-dollar judgment from the Palestinian leadership over a series of bombings and shootings that killed or wounded dozens of U.S. citizens, a move that critics say would find the government siding with terrorists over its own citizens.


Why should this surprise anyone who has followed the Obama/Jarrett regime? They have been pretty blatant in their support of Islamic Fundamentalism and have done everything they can to push it forward. (Yes, I know, tin foil hat territory, but there is an awful lot of smoke here)

The families won a $218.5 million judgment in February after a seven-week trial in Manhattan Federal Court in which a jury found the Palestine Liberation Organization and Palestinian Authority were responsible for a string of attacks from 2001 to 2004 that killed 33 and injured hundreds. A 1992 law that requires damages in such cases to be tripled, as well as interest on the award, would push it to as much as $1.1 billion. The judgment, which the Palestinians are appealing, would equal nearly a third of the Palestinian Authority’s annual operating budget.


Then came news that the Department of InJustice was going to stick their fingers into this.

Late last month, the Department of Justice, which had previously not been involved in the 11-year-old case, informed the court it was considering filing a “statement of interest” in the case by Aug. 10, but officials would not elaborate. A source said the Department of Justice was working with the State Department on the matter.


Wait for it….

As the filing states, the United States is considering whether to submit a Statement of Interest in the [Sokolow v. Palestine Liberation Organization] matter,” a DOJ spokeswoman told FoxNews.com. “Any filing would be made on behalf of the United States, not on behalf of any other party.”


If anyone thinks that the Obama Regime is involving itself in this for any other reason then to protect the PLO and the PA, well, I have a swamp in Florida you might like to purchase.

Kent Yalowitz, the families’ attorney, has requested that the Palestinian leadership be required to place $30 million per month in escrow while the case is appealed. Yalowitz suspects the U.S. government is considering intervening to help the cash-strapped Palestinian leadership avoid the bond.

An administration which claims to be fighting terror is planning to weigh in favor of the terrorists,” Yalowitz told FoxNews.com. “If our government actually came in favor of convicted terrorists, it would be a really sorry statement about the way our government treats terror.”

I don’t know why anyone would be surprised at the Regime intervening in this. This is the same pack of incompetents that outright refuses to use the words “Islamic Terrorism” when Islamic terrorists commit terrorist attacks in the United States. They are still calling the Fort Hood attack “Workplace Violence.”


I fully expect the DoIJ to step in and do or say something that will protect the PLO and PA while simultaneously screwing over the families of the victims of the PLO and PA. If the next president is a non-RINO Republican, he or she is going to have a lot of work to do to clean out the mess that is the Department of Justice and the State Department. If Cankles Clinton or a RINO wins, forget about ever seeing any justice in the United States or any protection for American citizens.


I wrote this a few days ago and put it in the “To be published” folder. Since then, news has come out that yes, the Obama Regime is once again supporting terrorists over American citizens. This afternoon, (August 11), Fox News posted this story:

The Obama administration has intervened in a lawsuit over Palestinian attacks that have killed Americans. In a court filing, the U.S. government says a hefty bond requirement could financially destabilize the Palestinian government.


In the legal filing, Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the U.S. government supports the rights of terrorism victims to be compensated in court. But he says the U.S. also has “significant concerns” about any bond amount imposed in the case that could affect the operations of the Palestinian Authority. Blinken says the collapse of the Palestinian Authority would undermine “several decades of U.S. foreign policy.”


Who gives a damn about “Several decades of U.S. foreign policy” anyway? We all know it never worked. The real reason is Obama and his thugs despise Israel and are just fine with Palestinian terrorists murdering Jews, be they Israeli or American. Hopefully the Judge will tell the state department to go pound sand, but I fully expect them to screw over the victims.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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