Hamas accuses Flipper of spying

Good day all. This bit of idiocy came out last week. It seems that Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group best known for getting their butts kicked when the Israeli’s get pissed enough, have caught a dolphin they claim is spying for Israel.


Now, when knowledgeable people first saw the headlines in the news, they may have thought that Hamas had somehow boarded and captured one of Israel’s submarines. They are called the “Dolphin” class. Nope. The Palestinians were talking about real dolphins that swim in the ocean. Here are the amusing details from The Times of Israel:

Hamas claims to have captured a dolphin that was spying for Israel, Army Radio reported Wednesday. The dolphin was said to have been equipped with “spying equipment” including cameras. It was captured off the Gaza coast by the naval unit of the Hamas military brigades, the radio report said. The capture was made several weeks ago.

eye roll

The Israeli Navy maintains a fleet of Dolphin class submarines. But the Army Radio report made clear that Hamas was talking about a mammal, not a boat.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEOeTX1LqM’]

And there is no way that Hamas, with their fleet of rowboats could find, let alone force to the surface and board one of Israel’s subs. Frankly, I think the only way those goat molesting morons could catch a dolphin would be with copious amounts of automatic weapons fire. Still, it is amusing just how common it is for the Islamic world to accuse Israel of using animals for intelligence purposes.

Spying allegations against Israel involving various creatures are not uncommon in the region. Twice in recent years, Turkish media have highlighted allegations that birds tagged with Israeli university tracking devices were on espionage missions. In 2012, an eagle with an Israeli tag in Sudan was captured and touted as a Mossad spy.


In other words, someone took a shot at the birds, hit one and they found that it had been tagged for research purposes. Of course, the Islamics tend not to be to interested in research, except on better ways to molest goats. And then there was Egypt’s announcement. They accused Israel of releasing trained attack sharks.

Two years earlier, an Egyptian official said Israel-controlled sharks could be involved in a number of attacks on tourists in the Red Sea.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Oh that’s funny! Did they also have frickin’ laser beams on their heads too? Anyone with any common sense, which leaves out all of the Arab/Islamic world, know that using animals for this sort of thing is a joke. Yes, nations do work with dolphins, but that is for things like patrolling harbors or looking for objects on the sea floor. Using them for spying? Yeah, right…I don’t think so Abdul. Besides, we wouldn’t use dolphins, we would use goats. We know they tend to get very “personal” with Hamas.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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