How about Biden/Warren 2016?

Good day all. As you are probably aware, The designated Democrat Presidential Nominee for 2016 is supposed to be Hillary Rodham Clinton. This assumes she doesn’t flame out or get indicted before the Democrat convention next year.


Over the last few weeks as Cankles Email problems increased, there have been a few calls for someone, anyone to jump in and save the oval office for the PLFD’s. That has also included the beginnings of a “Draft Biden” movement. Well, Biden is taking a look at running. He was recently seen talking to the fake Indian, Senator Elizabeth “Fauxahontas” Warren, and many are thinking he was looking at her as his running mate. Here are a few details on this from Reuters by way of Yahoo:

More prominent Democrats on Sunday cracked open the door for Vice President Joe Biden to enter the race for the Democratic presidential nomination as party front-runner Hillary Clinton battled questions over her use of a private email server.

Oh please, select that idiot Biden. He has almost as much baggage as the Cankled one.

California Governor Jerry Brown told NBC’s Meet the Press program that Biden should give “very serious consideration” to a presidential run. Brown said the email saga surrounding Clinton’s private email server as Secretary of State carried a “dark energy” that represents a substantial challenge for her campaign.


“It is almost like a vampire. She is going to have to put a stake…in the heart of these emails,” the California Democrat said. Asked if Biden should run, Brown said: “You are asking me presidential advice. All I can say is if I were Hillary, I would say don’t jump in. If I were Joe Biden, I would probably give it very serious consideration.”

Well, Biden is sewing up the idiot wing of the Democrat Party. Granted that is most of the party these days. Biden is also looking at who can be his running mate. Obviously, he would like someone less than 100 years old, and this is who he is talking to.

Speculation grew on Saturday that Biden may soon challenge Clinton for the Democratic nomination as the vice president met with Senator Elizabeth Warren, a power broker among liberal Democrats. Warren, who has strong support from liberal groups that would be critical to winning in early voting states, has said she will not run for president herself, but she has not endorsed Clinton or any other Democratic candidate.

sitting bullshite

I think it’s safe to say that if Biden falls and can’t get up jumps into the race, adding Warren as VP would end any speculation of her endorsing Clinton. It would also not be a broken promise since she isn’t running for president. Never mind that Warren is a lying fraud and a typical elitist. She may have sleazed her way in to office in Massachusetts, in the rest of the country, they will soon learn what a truly evil person she is. Since I’m in New Hampshire, I know what a flaming hypocritical Marxist thug she is. The last thing we want is her one cerebral hemorrhage away from the Oval office. That isn’t stopping the Democrats from getting things going. In fact, they consider her to be an asset.

Josh Alcorn, a senior adviser for Draft Biden 2016, a Super PAC group that is laying groundwork for a potential run, said the vice president was “sounding out people in early (primary election) states, activists and potential supporters.” Meeting with Warren could help give Biden more ideas for making the U.S. economy work better for middle-class Americans, he told Fox News Sunday.

Joe Biden

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Warren cares not at all for the middle class. Like all PLFD’s, she sees the middle class as something to loot for personal gain and to buy votes from the worthless classes. Another group of people who aren’t being asked for their opinions are the other Democrat presidential candidates. Yes, there are a few others in the race.

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley said he had a “great deal of respect” for Biden. “It would be nice to have at least one more lifelong Democrat in the race,” the former Maryland governor told ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos. The comment was partially a reference to independent Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-declared socialist from Vermont, who is also seeking the Democratic nomination.

Well, there’s a nice little dig and Comrade Coward Bernie Sanders. Oh, in case you may have forgotten, a pair thugs from the “Black Lives Matter,” (all the rest of you can die), group stormed Bernie’s campaign rally and took over the mike. Bernie slinked away like the craven little coward that all socialists are.


There’s been a lot of commentary over Biden jumping in. With his ego, I fully expect him to do so. I also expect him to choose Warren as his running mate. Now, in the normal course of events, Cankles Clinton would utterly destroy both of them, but she is badly damaged by her email issues. (Among other things)

evil hillary2

As for who Obama will choose? If Clinton is indicted in the next month or two, you will know he wants Biden in place. Now the other question is, would Biden win? I can’t see how. Right off the bat is his stance on the raid to get Bin Laden. He was the only one to oppose the operation. IIRC, he wanted to have the Pakistani’s arrest Bin Laden.


In closing, Biden will announce, and it will be a serious challenge only if Clinton is arrested. Otherwise he is going to get hammered so badly that his hair plugs will fall out.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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