Here’s another reason not to vote for more Shrubbery

Good day all. The campaign is rolling right along, and the RINO’s are shooting at Trump and missing by a country mile. The RINO’s. Led by Juan Ellis Arbusto, still can’t grasp just how angry the base is with the Establishment.

Jeb obama bush

Then we have this little gem spewed from the “Low Energy Candidate” himself. He thinks that the NSA should have more power to spy on American citizens inside the United States. Here are the details from Associated Press:

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush said Tuesday that the government should have broad surveillance powers of Americans and private technology firms should cooperate better with intelligence agencies to help combat “evildoers.”


Well, I see someone wasn’t paying attention to what people thougth after Snowden spilled the beans on the Domestic spying. And, I wonder who Bush and the RINO’s consider to be “Evildoers?” My guess is pretty much the same people Der Fubar and the Democrats consider to be evil. Anyone who thinks for themselves and thinks the government is to large.

At a national security forum in the early voting state of South Carolina, Bush put himself at odds with Republican congressional leaders who earlier this year voted to end the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone records.

stupid you are

The former Florida governor said Congress should revisit its changes to the Patriot Act, and he dismissed concerns from civil libertarians who say the program violated citizens’ constitutionally protected privacy rights.


Juan Ellis Arbusto, much like all the statists on both sides of the aisle, consider the Constitution to be nothing more than an obsolete advisory document.

“There’s a place to find common ground between personal civil liberties and NSA doing its job,” Bush said. “I think the balance has actually gone the wrong way.”

He’s right about that, but not in the way he thinks. His ideas fit in nicely with the old East German Stasi, and they could teach the Gestapo and KGB lessons on domestic spying. And then we have this:

Bush also said the U.S. should send more troops – he didn’t say how many – and equipment to eastern European nations in response to Russia’s increasingly aggressive posture in the region. He said Russian President Vladimir Putin should know that his “adventurism” comes with “a price to pay.”

First, I don’t disagree with this idea, but we have a few problems. The military is exhausted, undermanned and needs new equipment. They also need to recruit more men, (and women), and expand our forces back to something useful. This will take years. Thanks to Obama and, to be blunt, Juan’s brother, our military can’t do that job right now. Also, in typical Bush thinking, Juan Ellis really doesn’t have any sort of plan in place on what happens after the shooting starts.

man with head in the ground

Juan Ellis Arbusto is way behind Trump, and the more people see him, the more they realize that the last thing we need right now is yet another failed Bush administration. As I’ve said before, I’m not sure I can support Trump, but I’ll vote for him before I vote for another Bush, Christy, Kasich or any other RINO.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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