Jeb! Bush is really working hard to lose the election

Good day all. Governor Jeb! Bush, or Juan Ellis Arbusto as I like to call him is not doing as well as he expected in the presidential campaign. Oh, he has a lot of money socked away, but that won’t help him if the voters go for other candidates.

Jeb obama bush

Juan! Ellis Arbusto understands that he is having a few difficulties. Most of the problems he’s having can be laid, in his mind, to Donald Trump. He fully expected, much like Cankles Clinton did, that he would simply be coronated the RINO Republican nominee. That’s not working out to well for him, so he is reaching out to a field of experts to help him. One of these “experts” is former Representative, Eric Cantor. Here are a few details from the Washington Times:

Eric Cantor will be named as one of Jeb Bush’s three co-chairs in Virginia, marking a high-profile return to the national political scene for the former House majority leader who lost his seat in stunning fashion during last year’s primary election.

Stunning fashion is an understatement. He got not only his ass kicked by a collage professor, he was also kneed repeatedly in the groin. Basically, he was the first leadership casualty in the internal war between the GOP base and the RINO Establishment. (John Boehner is next on the list)

Mr. Cantor, in a statement, called Mr. Bush “a true conservative leader with a long-term vision for this country and the practical know how to implement it. After eight years of anemic growth and declining international relevance, America needs a President that can re-energize our nation and recapture our greatness — Jeb Bush is that man,” he said.

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Oh that’s rich. While Juan! Ellis might be ok on some fiscal matters, he is a complete failure when it comes to things like shrinking the government and dealing with illegal aliens. So was Cantor for that matter.

Mr. Cantor was the lone Jewish Republican in the House when he lost his seat in 7th congressional district in the 2014 GOP primary to Dave Brat, an economics professor at Randolph–Macon College. Tea partiers and grass-roots insurgent groups celebrated the upset, which rocked the political world.


First, who gives a damn about Cantor being Jewish? Well, perhaps the Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats. Most other people? We don’t give a damn. Second, Cantor was a typical Establishment RINO. He stopped paying any attention to the concerns of his constituents and the retired him due to ill health. The voters of his district were sick of him. We’re seeing more and more of this happening and this is why the RINO’s are pulling stuff that you usually associate with the Democrats.

The announcement could help Mr. Bush tap into the political network that Mr. Cantor built up over the years in Virginia, a key swing state in presidential elections, and around the nation.

Flying pig

Yeah, that network helped out old Eric back in 2014, didn’t it? Selecting Cantor as one of the “Chairmen,” (The other two are also big wheels in the Virginia RINO establishment), shows two things. First that Juan! Ellis is beginning to become desperate and that he has the political instincts of a tree stump. Cantor may have contacts among the RINO establishment, but they aren’t the ones who will be choosing the nominee. (Unless they rig things of course)

What Cantor will bring to the table is the memory of why he was bounced out of his nice, comfy House seat. He’s a Country Club RINO and thinks that the grass roots and GOP base should just shut and do as their told by their betters. Sort of like the Democrats. Bush is not going to be the nominee. If he is somehow shoved down the GOP throats, say hello to President Sanders or President, (For life), Clinton.

evil hillary2


~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to Jeb! Bush is really working hard to lose the election

  1. You’re not kidding about the RINO All-stars on Arbusto’s team. Trust me, I spent enough time in politics, back when I was still a Republican (I’m an Independent Conservative now, as the GOP is nowhere NEAR conservative in anything other than lip-service. . . )

    Hager is the bastard who knee-capped Ken Cuccinelli’s bid for Governor, actually signing on with Terry McAwful’s campaign.


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