Iran announces “Surprise! We have lots more uranium than we thought!”

Good day all. Since the Democrats surrendered to Iran, more and more information on just what a disaster this deal really is.


First, we had secret deals that Der Fubar wouldn’t tell Congress about, (In violation of the law), then we find out that this deal does nothing to stop Iran from getting ICBM’s capable of hitting the United States. Now? Iran has announced that “Gee whiz! Turns out we have lots more uranium than the thought. How about that?” Here are some of the details from Reuters via Yahoo:

Iran has discovered an unexpectedly high reserve of uranium and will soon begin extracting the radioactive element at a new mine, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said on Saturday. The comments cast doubt on previous assessments from some Western analysts who said the country had a low supply and sooner or later would need to import uranium, the raw material needed for its nuclear program.


Anyone want to place a bet that Iran has been sitting on that find for some time now?

The U.S. State Department said any new reserves of uranium discovered in Iran will be under the same monitoring as existing mines under the nuclear agreement. “Any violation of that commitment would be met with the appropriate response,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.

man with head in the ground

Response? What response? Oh, I know! The State Department will wave their finger and say “Naughty, naughty!

Some Western analysts have previously said that Iran was close to exhausting its supply of yellowcake – or raw uranium – and that mining it domestically was not cost-efficient. A report published in 2013 by U.S. think-tanks Carnegie Endowment and the Federation of American Scientists said the scarcity and low quality of Iran’s uranium resources compelled it “to rely on external sources of natural and processed uranium”.

triple facepalm

It added: “Despite the Iranian leadership’s assertions to the contrary, Iran’s estimated uranium endowments are nowhere near sufficient to supply its planned nuclear program.”

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Once again, the SCoaMF and his “experts” were rolled by the Iranians. Iran has probably been sitting on these uranium reserves just in case they needed them. Well, guess what? They do and soon enough they will be digging it out of the ground. Nice going Democrats!

Typical Democrat Voter


~The Angry Webmaster~

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