Obama to Israel: “Hey, I really do like you”

Good day all. Israel and the United States have had a fairly decent relationship since the founding of Israel in 1947. There have been some really down times, such as the USS Liberty incident, but in general, we have been reliable friends and allies.


Until the election of Barack Hussein Obama that is. Since then, on a governmental level, or relationship with Israel has gone right into the toilet. We have a UN Ambassador, Samantha Powers, who has actively called for the invasion and forced disarmament of Israel along with forcing Israel back to at least the 1967 borders, which are indefensible today.

Obama has been backing every Islamic group against Israel since his first day in office. When the Palestinians fired thousands of rockets into Israel, his response was to tell Israel they had better not invade Gaza.

eye roll

Now we have Obama’s surrender to Iran. In fairly short order, Iran will have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them to targets in Israel as well as the United States. Needless to say, the Israelis are furious at Obama. Obama’s response now to Israel borders on the delusional. He’s now saying he really likes Israel. Here are some of the details from the Associated Press:

Seeking to sell his nuclear deal with Iran to a skeptical Israeli public, President Barack Obama has repeatedly declared his deep affection for the Jewish state. But the feelings do not appear to be mutual.


Wide swaths of the Israeli public, particularly supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have little trust in the American leader, considering him naive and even hostile. One recent poll showed less than a tenth considered him “pro-Israel.”

That many think he’s pro-Israel? Have they been smoking crack or something?

Such misgivings bode poorly for Obama as he tries to repair ties with Israel in the final year of his presidency, and they would certainly complicate any renewed effort at brokering peace between Israel and its neighbors – once a major Obama ambition.


Obama’s basic plan for Israel is surrender to the Arabs and then march off to the gas chambers. Everything that SCoaMF has done has harmed Israel, as well as the United States.

The tense personal relationship between Netanyahu and Obama are certainly a factor in the poor state of affairs, and Netanyahu has made a number of missteps that have contributed to the tensions.


Netanyahu has made a few “missteps?” I see that AP is living down to their unofficial moniker of “Associated (with terrorists) Press” again. This entire problem is Der Fubars doing, not Netanyahu’s.

On a trip to the White House in 2011, the Israeli leader appeared to lecture Obama on the pitfalls of Mideast peacemaking.

Gee, I wonder why? Could it be due to the fact that Obama is a clueless moron?

obama bumper car

Netanyahu has close ties to the billionaire Republican donor Sheldon Adelson, and during the 2012 presidential race, Netanyahu appeared to favor Obama’s challenger, Mitt Romney.

Ohhh! He knows a Republican donor! You don’t think that the fact that is Jewish and a big time supporter of Israel might be a factor? And as for Romney, come on! By 2012, Netanyahu and Israel had figured out what an anti-Semite Obama really was. Why wouldn’t he support Romney over Obama?

Netanyahu’s U.S.-born ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, is a former Republican activist, and earlier this year, Netanyahu angered the White House by delivering a speech to Congress against the emerging Iran deal at the invitation of Republican leaders. Netanyahu has continued to lobby American lawmakers to oppose the Iran deal since it was finalized in July.

Yep, that would certainly piss of King Putt. How dare Netanyahu question Der Fubar’s royal decrees? After all, we all know that Obama is “The One!” He is perfect. He is the smartest man in history! How do we know this? Obama will happily tell you all about himself.


But Obama also bears responsibility for a number of policy decisions that have jolted Israelis’ faith in him. “The average Israeli probably thinks that he is a nice guy, but he is naive,” said Alexander Yakobson, a historian at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In Israeli eyes, “he doesn’t get the Middle East, doesn’t understand how the Mideast functions, and he doesn’t therefore understand what dangers Israel has to face,” he added.


You are being to kind Mr. Yakobson. Obama doesn’t really care about the Middle East.

But the biggest issue has been the U.S.-led nuclear agreement with Iran. Politicians across the spectrum have come out against the deal, agreeing with Netanyahu’s assessment that it does not have sufficient safeguards to prevent Iran from gaining the ability to make a nuclear bomb and that it will boost Iran’s influence across the region.

I beg to differ here. This “deal” doesn’t contain ANY safeguards at all. As to boosting their influence? Yeah, a willingness to use nukes to get what you want would be very influential.

An April survey of Jewish Israelis, carried out just after a preliminary nuclear deal with Iran was reached, had an equally harsh view of Obama. Just 9 percent of respondents described the White House as “pro-Israeli,” while 60 percent called it “pro-Palestinian.” More than 60 percent described Obama as the worst president for Israel in the past 30 years, far outdistancing runner-up Jimmy Carter at 16 percent.

Obama = Carter

And Jimmy Carter is so happy now that he’s no longer considered the worst president in the history of the United States.

At times, the anger toward Obama in Israel is palpable. On the streets and in online news forums, Israelis often refer to Obama by his middle name “Hussein,” a reference to his Muslim heritage on his father’s side.

So it isn’t just us “Evil White Teabagger racists” who sometimes refer to Il Douche as a closet Muslim? Who would have thought?

For his part, Obama has acknowledged feeling hurt.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_8YTa_-hZw’]

Awww, poor baby Hussein. His feewings were hurt.

In an address to American Jewish leaders last month, Obama underscored his deep commitment to Israel’s security and likened the debate over the Iran deal to a dispute within the family.

Deep Commitment? This from the man who appointed Samantha Powers as the UN Ambassador? The man who’s “deal” with Iran, rumor has it, would order US military forces to attack Israel to defend Iran? Pull the other finger, it has a bell on it.


Obama has said that he will provide Israel with weapons and equipment to defend themselves, but we aren’t talking about a traditional invasion. We’re talking about a theater nuclear war. Obama’s platitudes aren’t going to fix this situation.

But even if the two countries do manage to reach a new security deal, it seems unlikely that Obama will be able to repair the relationship with Netanyahu or restart Mideast peace efforts. The differences just run too deep.

Differences? They hate each other. Obama and his thugs despise Israel’s very existence.

Yoram Ettinger, a former Israeli consul-general in Houston, said the issues here have little to do with personalities or alleged hostilities on the part of Obama. “It’s an issue of a gap between two very different world views,” he said.

obama bunny

You could say that. Netanyahu understands what the Arab world wants to do to Israel, and Obama is busy sniffing unicorn farts. His delusional actions should have him removed under Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.

He said that in Israeli eyes, Obama is unrealistic, sending a message of weakness through his handling of the so-called Arab Spring over the past five years and by trusting an Iranian government with such a long record of defying the international community and supporting violent groups across the region.

You might also add that one of the big boosters for the phony “Arab Spring” was Hillary “Cankles” Clinton. She had a big hand in destabilizing the Middle East. Where Obama is delusional and Pro-Muslim, Cankles is just plain stupid. If she gets in, it’s all over for the relationship between the United States and Israel. No, all we can do is what Israel is doing. Digging in and hoping the next President is one of the Republicans. If Juan! Ellis Arbusto would be better for Israel then any Democrat these days.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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