Facebook “Dislike” button, coming soon!

Good day all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. It’s been a while, but a new “thing” is apparently coming to Facebook. They are finally going to bow to the inevitable and create a “Dislike” button.


The need for this button was seen within minutes of the “Like” button being implemented. However, that putz Zuckerberg, didn’t like the idea. However, after many postings with fake dislike buttons, the 2 x 4 has finally connected with his head and the light has come on. Here are the details from Fox News:

Facebook is going beyond the “like” button, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Tuesday. The social network is working on something akin to a “dislike” button, Mr. Zuckerberg said during a wide-ranging Q&A at Facebook’s headquarters that was streamed online.


But it won’t be simple. Zuckerberg said Facebook wants to limit use of the button to expressing sympathy when someone posts something sad or upsetting.


I knew it was to good to be true.

Zuckerberg said it was a surprisingly complicated task to build the button. But the company has an idea that it will soon begin testing.

How hard can it be? A few lines of code, a couple of columns in a database and voila! You can show people that you think they are idiots. Of course, they have an excuse besides “Programming is hard!”

Facebook has been asked about a dislike button for many years, but the company didn’t want to just give users an easy way to criticize a Facebook status.

Oh no! We mustn’t do anything that might hurt some poor sensitive liberal type person’s fweeling now, can we? Why they might break down and cry!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_8YTa_-hZw’]

Zuckerberg said Facebook has found that users don’t want to vote down others, but would like to express support when someone shares something sad, such as news about a family member dying or an article about the refugee crisis.


What they really want is an ability to express empathy,” Zuckerberg. “If you’re expressing something sad… it may not feel comfortable to ‘like’ that post, but your friends and people want to be able to express that they understand.”


What an utter load of garbage. That isn’t a “Dislike” that’s a “Feeling so sad that your vegan dinner wasn’t appreciated by the Hells Angels motorcycle and Texas BBQ club.”

ductape to tree

When I disapprove of something, I want a quick way to show it. The problem is that Zuckerberg and the other moonbats who run Faceplant are terrified that people will start hammering all the moonbat’s idiotic postings, not to mention the 80 gazillion cat pictures.

suck it up Buttercup

I have no doubt that people will try to use this button to express exactly what they think of some idiot’s posting. I also expect that many people will hit the Anger Central Faceplant fan page with loads of “I pushed this button because I’m sad that people are angry” dislikes. Fine we say. Any feedback is good feedback. It means that people are actually reading the site.

Brain Bleach

One thing is going to bother me, and that’s explaining to His Nibs that he probably won’t be able to slam the Obama facebook page with thousands of “I hate this dirtbag” button pushes. We shall see what comes of it. Personally, I’m not expecting anything to come of this once people start sending Zuckerberg thousands of dislikes per second.

Thank you

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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The Angry Systems Administrator

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