Oh Hillary! About that wiped email server?

Good day all. It seems that Cankles has just been given a little bad news about her mail server. The company that was hosting it has said that they have no information in it being wiped.


For the last 6 months, the narrative has been that Cankles had the server wiped to keep all the incriminating email out of the hands of people who want her in jail…or in front of a firing squad. Now the company that was alleged to have wiped the server is saying “Hold on there partner!” Here are some of the details from the Washington Post:

The company that managed Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server said it has “no knowledge of the server being wiped,” the strongest indication to date that tens of thousands of e-mails that Clinton has said were deleted could be recovered.


I think the Clinton campaign just bulk ordered Depends from Costco a few hours ago.

Platte River has no knowledge of the server being wiped,” company spokesman Andy Boian told The Washington Post. “All the information we have is that the server wasn’t wiped.”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Clinton and her staff have avoided directly answering whether the server was ever wiped.

Gee, I wonder why?

In a memorable exchange at a campaign event in Las Vegas last month, Clinton turned aside a question about whether the server had been wiped with a joke: “Like what, with a cloth?” she said, adding, “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”

JW-Life's tough

The original server remained under Platte River’s control in a secure data center in New Jersey until the company turned it over to the FBI last month. A company attorney has said that the device was “blank” when it was given to investigators but had not specifically said it had been wiped.


And by now the FBI has everything that was ever on that server. I think it’s safe to say that Hillary is sweating bullets right about now. I suspect what Cankles and her cronies did was print out messages and then hit the delete key to “delete” anything they wanted buried. I don’t know what they were using for the mail system, but these days mail servers are set up to protect messages. It’s almost impossible to truly delete email these days.

In terms of data recovery, the difference between a server from which data has been merely deleted or removed compared with one that has been wiped is “night and day,” said Joseph Lorenzo Hall, the chief technologist at the Center for Democracy and Technology, a nonpartisan group that advocates for Internet privacy. “Wiping is designed to make the material that was underneath not recoverable. That’s the whole point,” he said. “The probability of recovering material is very, very much higher if you haven’t wiped it.”

I’ve been tasked with wiping hard drives. It takes hours of work, sometimes days. The only real way to “Wipe the data” is to physically destroy the hard drives. Obviously, this didn’t happen. What a shame.


Hillary Clinton will never be president. If she were to somehow sleaze her way in, the first thing she will do is fire up the electronic shredders. By then it will be to late. I think the odds of Cankles going to jail are now even better than they were a week ago.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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