United Kingdom’s Labour Party goes full retard

Good day all. A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how the British Labour Party was about to select a full blown socialist as their party leader. It was announced that the Labour Party membership voted in a landslide to make Jeremy Corbyn their new Party leader.


Needless to say, this doesn’t bode well for Labour Party’s future political, not to mention Great Britain if this knothead manages to get himself elected as Prime Minister in a few years. Just how bad could this be? Here are a few details from Yahoo News:

The 66-year-old, whose policies have been compared to those of Greece’s Syriza and Spain’s Podemos, was named leader after clinching 59.5 percent of the votes cast by Labour supporters. The new chief could divide Britain’s main opposition party and he immediately faced resignations from the shadow cabinet amid warnings from party grandees that a Corbyn-led Labour would be consigned to electoral oblivion.

Now to get an idea of what this could mean, compare it to Bernie Sanders becoming the head of the Democrat Party and then becoming President. Sanders is about as stupid as Corbyn with about the same ideas on economics. While I doubt Sanders would try and nationalize industries in the United States if he were to become president, (God forbid), he definitely would make it very hard for any business to operate without his blessing. Sort of what we’re seeing with Obama, multiplied by a factor of 10.

Corbyn later thanked his supporters in a nearby pub, The Sanctuary, where he joined in a rendition of the traditional Labour anthem “The Red Flag”. “It’s a fantastic moment for change in Britain,” he told reporters as he arrived at the venue.

full retard

Yes it certainly is a fantastic moment. It shows that the Labour Party is once again fully controlled by the Communists. It took them years to flush out the Reds the last time. Their incompetence and economic stupidity almost brought Great Britain to it’s financial knees. It took Margaret Thatcher to finally drive a stake into the Labour Party’s Marxist wing. Now, it looks like the zombies are walking again.

The veteran MP has said he will oppose Britain joining in air strikes against the Islamic State Group over Syria and has been ambiguous on his stance on an upcoming referendum on Britain’s EU membership.

triple facepalm

Cornyn, like most on the left, supports the goals of radical Islam, as long as it doesn’t affect them. Women being raped and sold as slaves? Why that sounds just peachy to people like him. I wonder of he’s talked to any of the teenage girls in in Rotherham? Of course, the Conservative Party, (Referred to as the “Tories”) are chortling over Labour’s choice for a leader.

His, (Corbyn), chances at the next 2020 general election are thought to be slim but the Conservative Party was quick to react to his victory with a statement calling him a threat to national security. “Labour are now a serious risk to our nation’s security, our economy’s security and your family’s security,” Michael Fallon, the defence minister, said in a statement.


No surprise there, since Corbyn’s basic defense strategy can be summed up in two words, “Unconditional Surrender”

Corbyn’s policies include spending more on public services like schools and hospitals, scrapping nuclear weapons, renationalising industries like the railways and involving Islamist groups Hamas and Hezbollah in Middle East peace talks.


Hamas and Hezbollah’s basic terms regarding Israel are simple. Rebuild Auschwitz, fire up the gas chambers and finish what the Nazi’s started, then move on to anyone else who won’t surrender to Islam. These are the kinds of people Corbyn and the other moonbats associate with.

Tony Blair — Labour’s most electorally successful leader who is now deeply unpopular over Iraq — warned before the result was announced that Corbyn’s victory would split Labour and consign the party to electoral oblivion. Blair referred to Corbyn’s policies as “fantasy”.

Barking Moonbat

As I’ve said before, I am no expert on British politics. However, if, by some miracle, Corbyn were to be come prime minister and institute his policies, you would see the complete collapse of Great Britain. Basically, it would become worse than Greece, and more like that other wonderfully successful implementation of socialism, Venezuela.


If I’m reading things correctly, this could cause a full on split in the Labour Party, possibly leading to it becoming a minor party in the UK. The closet parallel in the United States is the internal fight between the Establishment Republicans, (RINO), and the Tea Party and conservative base. Depending on how things go here, this could be the end of the GOP as we know it. The same thing is probably going to happen to the Labour Party. We shall see of course.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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