Iranian ICBM’s not a problem according to Obama

Good day all. The “deal,” (actually abject surrender would be a better term), between Obama and the Iranians gets worse by the day. Now it turns out that Obama, Kerry and the Democrats have no problem at all with Iran working on ICBM’s.


For those of you who don’t know what an ICBM is, it stands for Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile. These are missiles with ranges over 8000 miles and can be fired from one continent against targets on another. Currently, the two nations with the biggest ICBM force is the United States and the Soviet Union Federated States of Russia. Other then tests, these missiles have never been used in warfare. Now the Obama Regime has decided that it’s a great idea for Iran to have ICBM’s as well. Here are the details from the Free Beacon:

Iran is permitted to test-fire ballistic missiles under the parameters of the recently inked nuclear accord, according to private disclosures made by Secretary of State John Kerry to a leading U.S. senator, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. Nothing in the nuclear deal prevents Iran from testing a “conventional ballistic missile,” which could be used to carry a nuclear weapon, according to series of written answers provided by Kerry to Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.).


The Obama administration’s failure to rein in Iran’s ballistic missile program has emerged as a key criticism among critics of the deal. They argue that during the 15-year duration of the agreement, Iran will be given the opportunity to perfect its ballistic missile program, which could put it much closer to an operable nuclear weapon.

full retard

Although the agreement to not develop nuclear weapons isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, it does force Iran to do a little work hiding the evidence. However, allowing them to develop missiles that are capable of hitting the United States is the height of utter stupidity. (Yes, I know, Obama, Kerry and Stupid go together like hotdogs and relish)

“The issue of ballistic missiles is addressed by the provisions of the new United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR), which do not constitute provisions of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),” Kerry writes, explaining that the nuclear accord does not cover such matters.

Since the Security Council has called upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology, any such activity would be inconsistent with the UNSCR and a serious matter for the Security Council to review,” Kerry adds.


A serious matter? Who are we kidding here? The UN is a joke of the first order and only fools, idiots, one world government types and Democrats, (Obviously I’m repeating myself here), put any stock in UN pronouncements. Everyone else with half a brain knows that if Iran fires an ICBM, the United Nations will do nothing about it.

However, Rubio and others are concerned the U.N. resolutions are not actually mandatory, meaning that Iran can decide on its own whether it wants to uphold the resolutions. “According to the new U.N. Security Council Resolution, the prohibition on Iran carrying out ballistic missile work is not mandatory, but rather the text simply ‘calls’ on Iran not to conduct such activity for eight years,” Rubio informs Kerry. “Is that the case? What are the penalties if Iran ignores this international ‘call’?”

Penalty? The penalty will be simple. A firm finger wag and a request that they don’t do it again.

Kerry appears to admit this is the case but claims the U.N. resolutions will “not let Iran’s ballistic missile program off the hook.”

eye roll

Kerry does not elaborate on what penalties, if any, would be issued on Iran should it move forward with a ballistic missile test, saying only that “if Iran were to undertake them it would be inconsistent with the UNSCR and a serious matter for the Security Council to review.”

man with head in the ground

One senior foreign policy adviser involved in the fight over the nuclear deal called Kerry’s response “terrifying.”

The administration is admitting that it changed the old binding language against ballistic missile development to a weak non-binding ‘call’ on Iran,” said the source, who was not authorized to speak on record. “So now the Iranians are going to be working on ballistic missiles that can hit the United States, and they won’t suffer any automatic penalties.”

Instead, the administration says our response will be to have U.N. countries like Russia and China ‘review’ Iran’s work, which is insane—those are the countries that will be selling Iran the technology in the first place,” the source said.

John Forbes Kerry is a fool. He’s also a traitor as defined by the Constitution of the United States. Do you think I’m indulging in some tin foil hat hyperbole? Decide for yourself:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §?330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

Normally, you would expect the United States to use it’s Strategic Defense system to intercept and shoot down any Iranian ICBM’s. The answer to that would be, “What Strategic Defense System?” We have a few systems, mostly shipborne, that theoretically have the capability of intercepting an ICBM. They have never really been tested.

This is what is going to happen. In the next few years, Iran will start test firing ICBM’s. If we have President Clinton or President Sanders, nothing will be done about it. (I also have serious questions about President’s Bush, Rubio, Christy, Kasich and possibly Trump) Shortly afterward, Iran will test a nuke followed by a launch against the United States and Israel. (Those will be shorter ranged missiles) Israel will then destroy Iran and probably a good chunk of the Middle East. The United States? Considering who will be in office, we’ll blame Israel and the Tea Party. (And Bush. It won’t matter which one)


Consider all this when you mark your ballot next year. Meanwhile, contact those idiots in Congress and tell them to shut this fake deal down now.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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