Obama blows $500 million training 5 Syrians

Good day all. This story came out last week. You probably didn’t know it, but we are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to train Syrian rebels to take on ISIS and Assad. With that amount, we must be fielding at least 10,000 trained men.


Actually, no. It turns out that we have spent $500 million dollars to train….five men.

triple facepalm

Here are the details from Fox News:

The top U.S. military commander for the Middle East admitted Wednesday that only “four or five” U.S.-trained fighters remain on the battlefield in Syria, leading to accusations from lawmakers that the program is a “joke” and “total failure.” Gen. Lloyd Austin, commander of the U.S. Central Command, addressed the state of the so-called “train and equip” mission in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

I’ve seen the video of the General. He happens to be of African decent, yet he was beet red from embarrassment over this fiasco. He was raked over the coals for this Solyndra level of waste, but lets be honest, it wasn’t his fault. Who’s fault is it that Obama’s “policy” is a total and abject failure? According to the Obama Regime, It isn’t King Putt’s fault. Here’s what the New York Times said:

By any measure, President Obama’s effort to train a Syrian opposition army to fight the Islamic State on the ground has been an abysmal failure. The military acknowledged this week that just four or five American-trained fighters are actually fighting.

But the White House says it is not to blame. The finger, it says, should be pointed not at Mr. Obama but at those who pressed him to attempt training Syrian rebels in the first place — a group that, in addition to congressional Republicans, happened to include former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Thrown under the bus

At briefings this week after the disclosure of the paltry results, Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, repeatedly noted that Mr. Obama always had been a skeptic of training Syrian rebels. The military was correct in concluding that “this was a more difficult endeavor than we assumed and that we need to make some changes to that program,” Mr. Earnest said. “But I think it’s also time for our critics to ‘fess up in this regard as well. They were wrong.”


Granted, the RINO idiots such as John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been pushing this nonsense of arming Syrian Rebels, but Obama was the one who put it into practice. He was the one who approved the plan. He could have said no. Sorry Barry, but this one isn’t Bush’s fault, it’s all yours.

In effect, Mr. Obama is arguing that he reluctantly went along with those who said it was the way to combat the Islamic State, but that he never wanted to do it and has now has been vindicated in his original judgment. The I-told-you-so argument, of course, assumes that the idea of training rebels itself was flawed and not that it was started too late and executed ineffectively, as critics maintain.

Here we see the typical response from that SCoaMF Obama when things go wrong. It’s never his fault, it’s always someone else’s fault. How else can you justify this:

Mr. Obama has long considered Syria a quagmire that defies American solutions, and aides are hoping to keep him from being held responsible for something that, they argue, he never really had the power to fix.

Obama answering the 3am call

Obama may not think it’s his problem, but he and his administration are responsible for causing this mess. Remember the Arab Spring? Recall what happened to Gaddafi who was not a threat to us any longer? How about Mubarak and how the military had to step in and clean out the Muslim Brotherhood? Sorry Barry, this is all your fault. You are responsible for the rise of ISIS and the utter chaos that is occurring in the Middle East. You can dodge the responsibility all you want, but history will show that you were the most inept, incompetent and useless president in the history of the United States.

obama bumper car



Friday it was announced that we had trained far more than 5 men. We actually trained…9 men.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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