The 5 Stages of Trump

Good day all. For the last 6 months we have seen Donald Trump take the lead and hold on to it in the Republican Presidential race. This has driven the pundits, for all intents and purposes, insane. They’ve been in utter denial that Trump could actually end up to be the nominee in 2016.

suck it up Buttercup

Well, it’s beginning to look like the pundits and a fair number of the GOP establishment are coming to grips with the possibility of President Trump. They have started going through the 5 stages of grief.

They’ve gone through Denial that Trump would even run, Anger that he proved them wrong and got in the race, Depression when he moved into the top position in the polls and Bargaining that some sort of deal could be struck between the other contenders which would topple him. Now we’ve come to the point of Acceptance that there may be nothing for it but to accept that Trump could, in fact, wind up being the nominee. (Stolen shamelessly from Jazz Shaw writing for Hot Air)

I don’t know if “The Donald” will wind up winning the nomination. He does stand a good chance. However, coming up is Dr. Carson, and we also have Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina. What do these four have in common? With the exception of Ted Cruz, none of them have held office before. Cruz is currently a United States Senator from the great State of Texas, but makes the list due to The Republican Establishment hating his guts.

If Trump does win the nomination and then the presidency, he could bring in the other three contenders into his administration and basically nuke the Republican Establishment back into the stone age. As to the choices that the GOP Establishment wants? Juan! Arbusto is fading fast even with the pile of money he has.

Rubio is considered a backstabber by the Tea party and other conservative groups that helped him get elected. Chris “The Jersey Whale” Christie was never going to get the nomination after tongue bathing Obama. The others are so far back that they might as well fold their tents and call it a day.

The only hope for the RINO’s is a brokered convention where they can shove Juan! Arbusto down the throats of the GOP base. If that happens, well, can you say Hello President Clinton or How are things going President Sanders?

Finally, I have not decided if I can go with Trump or not. I do know that there is no way in Hell I will vote for Bush, Christie, Rubio, the future Postmaster General or any of the other RINO’s. That doesn’t mean I will stay home, but it does mean that I will write in someone, anyone else’s name. (I’m still hopeful for a Tom Kratman administration) Trump, Carson, Cruz or Fiorina. None of the others, (with the possible exception of Governor Jindal), are worth the time of day.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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5 Responses to The 5 Stages of Trump

  1. bbuddha says:

    I’m hoping for Trump but will vote for Carson or Cruz. NO WAY to Fiorina. i have no time for women who use their gender to get things they didn’t earn, i.e. a place in the first debate (I’m a woman and find it offensive on a visceral level). And her comments after 9/11 are troubling; yes it was many years ago but she stated we had a lot to learn on many fronts from one of the greatest civilizations on earth, islam. Really? I won’t be voting for her. I vowed never again will I hold my nose and vote for the R they shove down our throat.
    Regarding Christie. Why pray tell is he running, He killed his chance when he helped give a sheen of creditability to the zero stealing the election.
    I would be happy to vote for Jindal but I don’t think he has a chance.
    Rubio, that is another NO WAY. He is a liar.
    Most of the ones that have no chance are running because the GOPe wants a brokered convention so Yebbie can get “his turn” they are running for the purpose of distraction. A W I think you are right, if they manage to push Jeb on us then it will be Killary or Comrade Sanders
    as Friar Bob mentioned this is all assuming that they actually count our votes.

  2. FriarBob says:

    Trump and Carson are OK. Not great. But we’re well past the point where great becomes no longer possible in this banana republic of ours. Cruz I have minimal info on, but he seems OK. And a few of the no-names are decent, just so far behind its pointless and they really should drop out. And with my personal knowledge of the AWFUL corruption Louisiana used to have and his role in improving things, Jindal appeals strongly to me. I just don’t expect him to have any real shot at the actual nomination. Pity, that. Maybe VP? But LA could still use him too.

    Fiorina… meh, she strikes me as too power-hungry and too incapable of wielding it once she gets it. She clawed her way to the CEO role of two separate companies — no mean feat, that takes brains AND effort — yet was ousted from each and even if the layoffs and business failures were NOT in ANY way her fault (which is — at BEST — at least not 100% true) they still happened on her watch. Those failures added to her NOT truly being an “outsider” (she has “enough” political history) doom her in my book.

    All this assumes an honest vote count, though. Haven’t seen too many of those for awhile now… 8 or 10 years, give or take? 🙂

  3. On the radio this morning, heard from former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore. Claims he’s running a “tiny operation” to “focus on creating a plan to create jobs”.

    Mind you, I **KNOW** Jim, and could tell him how to do it in 15 seconds. Lay off 70% of the bureaucrats in DC, and tell the rest that from now on, retention and promotion will be based on economic opportunity they create. And that promulgating anything that could cause even one job lost is grounds for immediate dismissal. . . .


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