Schools close due to Obamacare

Good day all. Did you know that Obamacare has now caused a school district to close down? Apparently, the costs of Obamacare were driving that district to bankruptcy.

Obamacare, Shovel Ready

We’ve all known, at least those of us capable of individual thought and basic mathematics, that Obamacare was going to devastate the economical well being of people and businesses. Who would have thought it would also force an entire school district to close down? Here are the details from the Daily Reporter:

Classes in a small, financially struggling school district in northern Tennessee have been canceled until officials can find a way to generate more revenue. Clay County Director of Schools Jerry Strong said the school board made the decision Thursday night after struggling with budget concerns for three years. He said the district doesn’t have enough money to pay for partially unfunded government mandates.


Ahh yes, the dreaded “Unfunded Mandate” problem. Politicians love passing new laws and regulations, and forcing others to pay for them. Well, it looks like the chickens have come home to roost.

“Clay County’s inability to generate the revenue to offset the mandates is what’s caused this to come to a head,” he said. “The straw that broke the camel’s back was really the Affordable Care Act for us and it has made it very difficult for us to have our employees properly covered and meet the mandates of the law. That was going to require new revenue and the commission felt like they couldn’t do that through a tax increase.”

No problem! Of course you can raise taxes. Just go the Liberal Democrat route and raise taxes on everyone The Rich.

Strong said the county commission, which funds the schools, has declined to increase property taxes and a proposed wheel tax referendum vote won’t take place until March.

That’s if it can be passed.

Wright said county officials favor a wheel tax over raising property taxes to generate money for the school system. “This is a poor, rural county and we already have the seventh-highest property tax rate in the whole state of Tennessee,” he said. “Our property taxes, they’re high enough.”

Titanic sinking

Deck chairs, Titanic, Iceberg, rearranging. You have just named the problem. There isn’t any more money that you can loot from the citizens. Raise taxes to much, and you bankrupt people or drive them out of the area. Funny thing, none of that bothers your typical Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrat politician. It’s all about making themselves feel good and controlling all aspects of other people’s lives…For their own good of course.

A typical tolerant Democrat

Obamacare is collapsing under it’s own weight. It doesn’t work and never will work. Now it’s bankrupting local governments. Soon enough, it will be entire states and then the federal government. This disaster needs to be killed and killed soon.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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