Joe Biden decides not to run for President

Or, we could say that Slow Joe Biden, knowing what the Clinton Crime Family is capable, chickened out.

Joe Biden

Yes, Joe Bide managed to activate a few neurons and has come to the conclusion that his time has come and gone with regards to the presidency. Of course, we all know his time was always running late and he never had any shot at the Oval Office.


So, how does this help? Cankles Clinton of course. Biden might just have been able to bury her, but now she has smooth sailing to the convention. The only persons in her way are Bernie Sanders, who we can expect to have a sudden fatal illness, and whoever is handling the criminal investigation into her mishandling of classified documents.

heil hillary

Of course, I have little doubt that she will be give a clean bill of health in the next few weeks as Obama orders his new Attorney general, Loretta Lynch, to broom the whole thing under the rug, along with sending all the investigating agents on a new assignment in Point Barrow, Alaska.


Truth be told, even if Biden had jumped in, he really had no chance. You could see the initial attempts by him and his “people” trying to explain away some of his really stupid ideas. One big one was his advice to Obama not to go after bin Laden when he was located. He’s denying that this happened, but there are multiple sources confirming Cankles on this. (For once)

evil hillary2

So, Slow Joe will be going into retirement come January 20th, 2017. He will be putting his gaffe-o-matic into mothballs, and spending a few years plagiarizing his autobiography. I can’t say I’ll miss him. He’s done a lot of damage over his career and we will be cleaning that up for decades. So long Joe. You made the right decision, so now you won’t be looking over your shoulder for whoever Cankles had lined up to come after you.

Slow Joe Biden


~The Angry Webmaster~

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