Will Jeb Bush be the next one out of the race?

Good day all. This morning Lincoln “Missing Linc” Chaffee announced he was out of the race for the Democrat Nomination. He follows former Senator James Webb who dropped last week, and on the Republican side, Rick Perry and Scott Walker. Now it looks like the RINO Establishment favorite, Juan! Ernesto Arbusto might be next.

Jeb obama bush

If you have followed the polls at all, you are aware that Juan! is not moving much, unless you consider down to be movement. Arbusto’s poll numbers are finally having an affect. He’s running out of money. Here are some of the details from Bloomberg:

Jeb Bush, once a front-runner, for the Republican presidential nomination, is implementing an across-the-board pay cut for his struggling campaign as he attempts to regain traction just 100 days before the party’s first nominating contest.

Regain traction? He never had any traction.

The campaign is removing some senior staff from the payroll, parting ways with some consultants, and downsizing its Miami headquarters to save more than $1 million per month and cut payroll by 40 percent this week, according to Bush campaign officials who requested anonymity to speak about internal changes. Senior leadership positions remain unchanged.

If Juan! is reducing his Florida staff that much, it means one of two things. He’s sewed up Florida in the Primaries, or he’s so far behind in the Sunshine State that spending any more money than is absolutely necessary is the same as setting it on fire. I wonder just how much Juan! is cutting back?

The campaign is also cutting back 45 percent of its budget, except for dollars earmarked for TV advertising and spending for voter contacts, such as phone calls and mailers.

Oh great. We’re still going to be subjected to his annoying phone calls and those God awful ads of his. Having to sit through one of them is bad enough, but whoever set up the media buy is running the ads back to back, one right after another. I wonder why Arbusto is cutting back. Wasn’t he sitting on $100 million in the bank?

Bush’s advisers, under pressure from their donors and from falling and stagnant poll numbers, have been discussing ways to retool the campaign in recent days, and came to the conclusion that a course correction was essential.

I agree. They definitely need to change course. May I suggest a nice retirement villa in Cabo San Lucas? He can speak Spanish all he wants there and the local population won’t mind a bit.

While recent tangles with Donald Trump have energized the campaign…

Energized? Well I guess you can call a virtual kick to the groin energizing.

Bush’s senior team recognized a more fundamental set of changes was required that didn’t involve dealing directly with the party’s surprising—and surprisingly durable—front-runner.

As I thought, they still don’t get it. Juan! Ernesto Arbusto’s great ideas, such as doubling down on the Common Core joke of an educational system, not to mention his desire to throw open the borders to the entire third world, (along with legalizing the criminal aliens currently in the United States), are some of the reasons his campaign was in the toilet the moment he announced.


And then there is his name. Jeb! Bush. The Bush name is now toxic. Barely competent, dishonest and untrustworthy. Everyone knows that if it hadn’t been for the 9/11 attack, Bush would have been a one term president like his old man.

Analysts and rival campaigns will view the changes as a desperate act, perhaps the last one, of a man whose campaign has dropped in the polls in recent months and has remained mired in the middle of a crowded field despite a month-long blitz of friendly television ads.

Friendly ads? Please! When I see those ads, I either zipped through them, (DVR), or switched the channel. I couldn’t stand seeing his face plastered on my television screen.

None of the changes deal directly with what even many of Bush’s supporters say is his main challenge: The burden of trying to convince voters hungry for change to choose a man whose father and brother both served as president.

And as I mentioned above, served poorly. Remember this phrase from “Daddy?”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuLWgVOLbG4′]

And then he signed the biggest tax hike in American history to that time.


And as for his brother? I think this covers it.

eye roll

Officials said the changes—the second time the campaign has cuts its payroll this year—will enable them to shift more resources into New Hampshire, where the campaign has the largest operation in the state, and other states where early voters begin casting ballots in February.

There are so many Juan! Arbusto workers around here that it’s like running into a swam of bugs on the highway, except they cause more damage when you run them down. He isn’t doing that well up here either. I can’t recall seeing any Bush signs. Trump, Hillary, (yuck), and Sanders signs, along with the occasional Fiorina and Carson signs. Bush signs? Not so much and that includes the native Spanish speakers next door.

One Bush adviser told Bloomberg Politics in an interview Friday morning that the team was “unapologetic” about the changes, saying the moves were from a “position of strength.”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Oh that’s a good one! It’s always good to keep a sense of humor over your impending doom.

Bush plans to continue to focus on a core message that argues that he has experience to make the kinds of fundamental changes voters want to see in Washington. The campaign changes reflect that, an adviser said.

Fundamental changes? Is that why he’s basically parroting the Obama Line, with a few variations, all in Spanish of course.

One of Bush’s rivals, Carson, who leads in a new Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll, was taken aback in an interview Friday morning that Bush is being forced to make some changes. “This is a little bit surprising, but you know a lot of his money, of course, was super-PAC money as opposed to campaign money,” Carson said in an interview that will air on With All Due Respect today on Bloomberg TV. “That doesn’t give you as much flexibility, quite frankly.”


The campaign said its internal measures showed that the month-long run of TV advertising is having an impact.

It is too. You can’t find any Pepto Bismal or Tums anywhere.

Symbolically, the changes turn Bush from an establishment battleship into a more scrappy underdog, making radical alterations in how the campaign operates in order to avoid the existential threat the campaign now faces.

Yeah, a scrappy dog about to get run over by the Trump Limo, the Cruz pickup truck and the Rubio Ford Pinto Hatchback.

Polls from Bloomberg Politics this week showed Bush in fifth place in Iowa and a distant third in New Hampshire.

The Juan! Ernesto Arbusto campaign refuses to accept this. In their minds, it’s:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU’]

In reality, the Jeb! Bush campaign’s true future can be summed up with this piece of music:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WChTqYlDjtI’]

Juan! Arbusto may hold on until the New Hampshire Primary and the Iowa Caucus, but if he gets his head handed to him, as I fully expect, he’s toast. Burned toast. No, toast on fire.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Will Jeb Bush be the next one out of the race?

  1. The fact that the traditional Bush-family donors, AREN’T, is telling.

    Then again, a few more need to quit. Pataki, Gilmore. Jindal. Gramnesty. The Huckaclown. Frothy. And the Outlaw Jersey Whale. . .

    Of course, this means once Jebcito Ellisimo Arbusto drops, the GOPe forms around Kasich. . . who should also go. . .


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