Lois Lerner walks

Good day all. Yesterday, was the standard “Friday Night Document Dump.” The governments and some businesses will publish news that most people won’t like on Friday’s since most people aren’t paying attention.


Yesterday was one such “dump.” The Department of InJustice announced that there would be no prosecution of Lois Lerner or anyone else in the IRS over the abuse of power against conservative and Tea Party groups. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

The Justice Department announced Friday afternoon that it will not bring criminal charges against Lois Lerner or any other IRS official involved in the targeting of Tea Party groups, in a decision Republicans ripped as a “free pass.”


In a letter to leaders of the House Judiciary Committee, the department said the investigation into the controversy will be closed — and while they found “mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia,” they found “no evidence that would support a criminal prosecution.”

Obviously, they didn’t look very hard.

“What occurred is disquieting and may necessitate corrective action — but it does not warrant criminal prosecution,” Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik wrote.


Some Republicans had called for a special counsel to be assigned to the case, complaining that the investigation was led by a Democratic donor. Among them, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., on Friday warned that “politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing.”

Flying pig

As much as I dislike Special Prosecutors, this is one of the few cases where I see a need for one. The Justice Department has been so corrupted by Obama, Holder and now Lynch that they simply can not be trusted to carry out an honest investigation. As you might expect, the Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats, led by Elijah Cummings, (A total dirtbag if there ever was one) are chotling happily over this utter miscarriage of Justice.

But Democrats held up the findings as evidence that Republicans were on a witch hunt, with Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., ripping GOP colleagues for spending money on “all kinds of investigative rabbit holes.”

Typical Democrat Voter

Cummings, who has been doing everything he could to obstruct many of the investigations into the criminal actions of the Obama Regime, was also one of the people who was calling for criminal investigations into the Tea Party when it started growing and working to crush the Democrats.

Mark Meckler, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots and leader of Citizens for Self Governance which is suing the IRS, called the DOJ letter a “whitewash and miscarriage of justice.”


And it is. It may take a new president who believes in the rule of law and the constitution to go after the members of the Obama regime. This, of course, means that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders would do nothing other than to continue the harassment of the Conservative and Tea party organizations. And liberals wonder why so many people are buying guns and ammo these days.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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