Gun sales in Austria skyrocketing

Good day all. This story came out last week, but is still timely. It seems that sales of firearms in Austria have reached levels similar to what happened in the United States after Sandy Hook.


In this case, it isn’t people worried that their guns will be confiscated, it’s people worried that they’re going to get their head cut off or their wives and daughters raped by Islamic immigrants. This is also tying in with Austria’s discussions of building a wall to keep out the Islamic invaders. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Austria is reportedly dealing with an influx in arm sales as a result of growing tensions over the refugee crisis. According to the broadcaster OE24, (The link leads to a German language web site), approximately 70,000 more firearms have been sold in Austria so far this year compared to the same period last year. The report says that an estimated 900,000 firearms are in Austrian homes.

Considering that it’s almost impossible for someone who isn’t a terrorist or a criminal to get a gun in Europe, this is rather remarkable. There is a catch of course.

According to Austrian law, anyone 18 and over can buy and own a shotgun or certain types of rifles, but they must be registered at a licensed dealer or gunsmith within six weeks of purchase. Ownership of other, more powerful weapons, such as semiautomatic weapons or repeating shotguns, requires special permission, such as a hunting license.

They still haven’t learned about registering guns. It was the registration forms that the Nazi’s used to round up guns back during the 30’s. Even though they demand guns be registered, people are still buying them.

“Nearly all shotguns are sold out because you don’t need to have a firearms permit to buy them,” Thomas Ortner, spokesman for gun retailers in the state of Upper Austria, told the paper. “Registration courses for pistols are usually held only every five weeks but are now held weekly.”

As an FYI, Glocks are Austrian in origin. And would you care to guess who is buying a lot of these guns?

The report also noted that many of the new gun buyers are women. The report stated that the most common reasons given for buying a gun were fear of refugees and fear of burglars.

Rape whistle

Well gee whiz, how unpolitically correct is that? How dare these women do anything to prevent their Muslim visitors from helping themselves to their property and their womanhood.

“Because of the social change, people want to protect themselves,” one arms dealer told OE24.

Well that’s a nice way of referring to an invasion. I guess when the allies invaded Germany and Austria in 1944-45 it was also just a “social change.”


What’s happening in Europe is nothing less than an invasion. This can be laid directly at the feet of Angela Merkel and her utterly stupid, if not suicidal invitation to the entire Islamic world to come into Germany and the rest of Europe. I don’t know if Merkel can be removed from office prior to the normal end of her term, but if there is a way, I suspect she will be gone sometime in the next 6 months.


However, there is a backlash starting against this invasion and those in power who are allowing it to happen. We’re seeing people taking direct action against the Muslim centers and at the rate things are going, it’s just a matter of time before the boxcars are filled with Muslims being deported.


The only difference between this and what happened under the Nazi’s is that the people today just want the Muslims gone, not dead. They will be shipped back where they started from, not to camps to be gassed. The European elite is losing control, the “voters” are fed up, and now we’re seeing the results. People are arming and the Ruling Elite is doubling down on their stupidity. We shall see what happens in the next few years.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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