Undocumented immigrant physically disagrees with cop

Or to put it in the normal, non-politically correct terms, and Illegal Alien tried to murder a police officer.

nothing to see here

Thanks to King Putt’s refusal to secure the borders and round up the criminal aliens, a Maryland police officer was attacked my a member of the MS-13 gang who isn’t even supposed to be in this country. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

An 18-year-old illegal alien who is a documented member of the violent MS-13 street gang and has a criminal history involving gun charges was arrested Thursday after an unprovoked attack on a Fredrick County, Maryland sheriff’s deputy.


Jose Misael Reyes-Reyes was arrested and charged with second-degree assault on a police officer, second-degree assault, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, obstructing and hindering, rogue and vagabond, and two counts of disorderly intoxication, according to a press release.

What was the police officer doing to provoke this fine, upstanding member of the undocumented immigrant community? Was he harassing him for his green card? Looking at him funny? Not exactly.

Deputy Greg Morton was in his marked police car while investigating a minor traffic accident at around 9:30 a.m. Thursday. Reyes-Reyes began banging on the back window of Morton’s cruiser, according to a press release from the Frederick Co. sheriff’s department. When Morton turned towards the source of the disturbance, Reyes-Reyes “reached through the front driver’s side window, which was half way down, and struck Dfc. Morton in the face and neck with his fist,” the release stated.

I see, the officer was sitting in his car, doing some paperwork regarding an incident that Reyes-Reyes wasn’t even involved in, and apparently the officer didn’t even know this waste of oxygen was there.

Morton pushed Reyes-Reyes away from his vehicle and verbally ordered him to the ground while pointing a taser at him. He then placed Reyes-Reyes in handcuffs, at which point he began kicking Morton in an attempt to get away. Reyes-Reyes also allegedly threatened to kill a woman who was at the scene.


Obviously, the officer must be a racist. He pointed, but did not use, a Taser. He also had a gun which he didn’t use to shoot this poor innocent immigrant who was just looking to make a better life for himself.

eye roll

Though the attack did not result in serious injury for Morton, it could have been avoided altogether had Reyes-Reyes been deported following his previous arrests. According to the Frederick Co. sheriff’s department, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had determined that Reyes-Reyes is in the U.S. illegally. The agency also determined that he is a member of MS-13, a gang prevalent in El Salvador.


Police records also show that Reyes-Reyes has wasted no time in racking up criminal charges since entering the U.S. According to the Frederick Co. sheriff’s department, he was arrested in June on charges of malicious destruction of property. He was arrested in May on a charge of carrying a concealed deadly weapon.

Wait for it….

But rather than keep Reyes-Reyes in custody or deport him immediately, ICE released him on bond and gave him a March 2016 court date to determine if he will be deported. In addition, The Daily Caller has learned that Reyes-Reyes was initially arrested by Border Patrol agents in McAllen, Texas in May 2014. That raises the possibility that Reyes-Reyes is one of the tens of thousands of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) that came to the U.S. from Central America in an unprecedented wave last year.


And there it is. This walking two legged vermin, who should have been shipped back to El Salvador within days of being caught, was instead, thanks to Obama, released to prey on American Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens. Everything I’ve heard about that disaster last year points to a large criminal element that Obama and his crowd of clowns allowed into the United States. This is what you get when you don’t secure the borders and kowtow to the criminals instead of getting rid of them. It’s time to round them all up and ship them out.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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