Spain nukes the fridge, orders arrest of Netanyahu

Once again, Spain demonstrates why no one takes them seriously any longer. The Spanish courts have issued an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Netanyahu regarding the 2010 boarding of some blockade runners that went sideways.


Spain has a history of pulling crap like this. In 2003, when U.S. armored forces were heading towards Baghdad, the crew of an Abrams mistook a Spanish camera crew for Iraqi soldiers about to fire a missile at them. They let fly with a round from their main gun and two journalists, one of them Spanish, were killed. Spain ordered them arrested and tried in a Spanish court for murder. Needless to say, they were not sent there.

get off my lawn

The Spanish courts have also decided that they have jurisdiction over pretty much the world. They also got their hands on Augusto Pinochet, who was the Dictator of Chile for a while. Now bad things did happen under him, of that there is no doubt. However, he relinquished power voluntarily and, while he was a “senator for life,” was basically retired. He went to England for medical treatment and they shipped him to Spain to stand trial. Due to his health, he was released and sent back to Chile.

Now we have these boneheads going after the sitting head of a democratically elected government, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Here are the details on this fiasco in the making from Fox News:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top government officials could be detained if they step foot in Spain after a judge there issued an arrest warrant stemming from a deadly 2010 Gaza flotilla raid, but Israel is dismissing the move as a “provocation.”

Well, it’s nice to see the Israeli government being polite. I think this is a bit more than a provocation. Act of War comes to mind. Now here’s the background on what happened with the “flotilla” of blockade runners.

In the 2010 incident, a group of human rights activists — which included members affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, according to authorities – boarded several aid ships to try and break an Israeli naval blockade of the Gaza Strip, the Jerusalem Post reports. Israel’s navy was able to stop several of the ships without incident, but its commandos were attacked when boarding the Mavi Marmara, leaving 10 activists dead in an ensuing gun battle.


And here is where the Spanish show their stupidity. The Israeli boarding party was physically attacked the moment they boarded the ship. The “activists,” (another word for them would be terrorists), jumped the Israelis and went after them with steel bars and knives. The Israeli’s had holstered sidearms and I think batons. They were expecting a bit of pushing and shoving, not attempted murder. The Israelis then pulled their sidearms and fired in self defense. 10 people were killed.


Initially, the Spanish courts said they no longer had any jurisdiction over the incident and turned the case over to the International Criminal Court. (Another bunch that thinks they’re in charge) The ICC dropped the case for a number of reasons, a few of which may have been very subtle threats by Mossod. However, the Spanish decided to get back into the act.

But Judge Jose de la Mata found a loophole Friday that would allow Spanish authorities to re-open their investigation of the raid if any of the officials enter Spain, Ynetnews reported.

Barking Moonbat

If the seven officials enter Spain, a judge could question and detain them for their alleged role in the incident. But Netanyahu could be exempt if the Spanish government determines he has diplomatic immunity, Ynetnews reports.

Which, knowing these idiots, will decide he hasn’t. Under a worst case scenario, Prime Minister Netanyahu could be flying to Britain, or the United States, and as he flies over or near Spain, they send out fighters and force his plane to land, and then arrest him. That would be an act of war, and the Spanish might want to consider the fact that while Israel might not have the logistics to invade and occupy Spain, they do have a very good commando force and an intelligence service that has a history of making life greatly shortened for enemies of Israel.

chuck Norris

They could pull another Entebbe and rescue their Prime Minister. They also have something else the Spanish should think about Thermonuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. While I don’t think Israel would resort to that, I do think that if Spain pulled something, the Spanish government would find out just how bad an idea that was. They should take that indictment, or whatever they call it, and promptly circular file it.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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