Jeb Bush’s new book, “How to blow $50 million and plummet in the polls”

Good day all. Yesterday I wrote about Jeb Bush putting on a tinfoil hat and accusing Trump of being a straw candidate for Cankles Clinton.

Jeb obama bush

Bush’s delusional claim was just another symptom of his collapsing campaign. When dimbulb announced his run for president, he was able to tap all the GOP Establishment donors and quickly banked something like $100 million bucks. Since his announcement, he been blowing through cash trying to show voters that he really is a high energy candidate and not the next in line of Bush family RINOs. It hasn’t helped and has probably made things worse. He’s blown half his money and managed to sink to single digit numbers in some polls. Here are a few details on this from that bastion of conservative writing, the Washington Post:

The super PAC supporting Jeb Bush is racing through its massive war chest much faster than money is coming in, spending close to $50 million in a record blitz that has so far failed to lift the former Florida governor’s sputtering presidential candidacy. The group, Right to Rise, has already gone through nearly half of the $103 million it brought in during the first half of the year, records show. It raised only about $13 million in the five months that followed, according to a person familiar with the figure.

There are two reasons why they are having problems raising money. First, a lot of these donors have maxed out their donations and legally can’t give anymore. The second reason, and probably the more accurate one, is they see Juan! Arbusto’s campaign taking on water and slipping beneath the waves.

The future of the movie Battleship

That leaves the super PAC with about $67 million heading into the first 2016 GOP nominating contests. The sum still surpasses the resources of rival groups, but it is not clear whether Right to Rise’s financial might — viewed earlier this year as Bush’s distinct advantage — will be enough to help separate him from the pack.


The problem isn’t “Separating” Arbusto from the pack. The problem is that he’s just another Bush and people have had enough of the Bush family and their big government bovine droppings. Bush the Elder gave us “Read my lips, no new taxes!” and then gave us the biggest tax hike in history at that time.


Bush Junior gave us “Compassionate Conservatism” which turned out to be another name for Big Government statism. If it hadn’t been for 9/11, Junior would have been a one term president. The American people learned their lesson. “Fool me once, Shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Full me a third time and I deserve everything that is going to happen to me. Arbusto’s poll numbers reflect the fact that people aren’t going to be fooled a third time.

The group’s muted impact so far represents a confounding reality of this year’s unconventional campaign: Money is no longer a clear barometer of success. The wall-to-wall media coverage of Republican front-runner Donald Trump has deflated the value of a bulging war chest that can finance costly television commercials. And the deluge of gauzy spots touting Bush’s conservative record has not eliminated deep skepticism in the GOP base about his establishment ties and family name, party operatives said.

Allow me to give you my opinion of the “Gauzy spots” the Bush PAC’s have been running. First there is revulsion, then a quick grab for the remote to either zip through them or change the channel. I can speak from personal experience that my phone has been ringing off the hook with “Vote Bush” style caller ID’s, my mailbox over-runneth with Bush campaign bird cage liner and when I see the nonstop, back to back commercials on television, I feel the urge for a sudden trip to the bathroom.

“You’d always rather be the one with the money,” said veteran Republican strategist Scott Reed. “But clearly, this cycle we’re learning that money doesn’t buy you love.”

In Juan! Ernesto’s Arbusto’s case, he can’t even rent love by the hour.

Despite the gusher of door hangers, mailers, online ads and TV spots produced by Right to Rise, however, Bush hovers between 3 and 5 percent in national polls — down from 12 to 15 percent in mid-July.

In Iowa, where Right to Rise has spent nearly $9.4 million since late June, Bush remains stalled in single digits. After the group blanketed New Hampshire with $18.5 million worth of TV ads and yard signs touting Bush, he dropped from a double-digit standing to between 5 and 9 percent support. And in South Carolina, he has fallen out of the top three among GOP presidential contenders, despite a $6.5 million super-PAC barrage on his behalf.

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The Bush supporters and those running the PAC’s are still saying that with a little more money, things will turn around for Juan! real soon now.

In recent private meetings, longtime Bush political adviser Mike Murphy has continued to express confidence in the super PAC’s value and Bush’s prospects, arguing that a large share of voters have not settled on a candidate. During an early-morning breakfast meeting for Right to Rise supporters in Washington last week, he predicted that the group’s investments in ads touting Bush’s biography and gubernatorial record will pay dividends once the electorate focuses on its choices.


That argument has assuaged many of the super PAC’s biggest backers. “Like everyone else, I’m looking at the numbers,” said Mel Sembler, a Florida developer and former ambassador in both Bush administrations who is helping raise money for Right to Rise. “The political people keep assuring us that the polling numbers are not important at this time. Mike Murphy gave us confidence that things would start turning around when people begin voting.”

JW-Life's tough

Al Hoffman, another Florida developer and former ambassador who has given the super PAC $1 million, said he was impressed with a new 15-minute biographical documentary the group rolled out this weekend. “Once the serious-minded Republicans who are going to vote in the primary see it, that will have big impact,” he said.

No, actually, it won’t. There is only one way Bush becomes the nominee. That would be if the Republican Convention opens with no clear winner and it ends up as a “Brokered” convention. If that is the case, I can see the GOP establishment shoving Bush down the throats of the Republican base, literally guaranteeing President Hillary Clinton.

Our investments are long-term and focused on helping Jeb achieve a general election victory in November 2016,” Paul Lindsay, spokesman for the Right to Rise PAC said in a statement. “We’ve built a strong foundation in introducing Jeb to voters, and we’re moving to a new phase where we’ll talk about his plans for the future and the records of the other candidates in the race.”

Like I said. Jeb! Bush has to get the nomination before they can think of the general election. Unless the Establishment GOP is planning to rig things, Bush will be retiring back to Florida in a few months, and we will see the end of the Bush Family’s hold on the Republican Party.

If “The Fix” is in and we do get Bush shoved down our throats, He will be retiring to Florida in November, and the Republican party will collapse soon thereafter as the base finally says “ENOUGH!” and moves to create a new party. The rise of Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, and Senator Ted Cruz should be screaming to the high heavens that the Republican Base has had enough with RINO squishes and are fully prepared to blow up the GOP. Wasting $100+ million dollars on the dynasty candidate won’t make him any pore palatable. Bush is toast as are all the other Establishment candidates.

toast on fire


~The Angry Webmaster~

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