GOPe throws good money after bad

Good day all. Have you wondered why Juan! Ernesto Arbusto and the other Republican Establishment candidates are still in the race? The reason is simple. The GOP Establishment donors are heaving huge amounts of cash at their PAC’s trying to keep the RINO ships from sinking beneath the political waves.

The future of the movie Battleship

Juan! Arbusto has already burned through more than $50 million dollars. All that spending has generated the most expensive political tanking in memory. He’s gone from roughly 15 percent when he announced to his current 4-6 percent in the polls. The other GOPe candidates are in even worse shape. Here are some of the details from the Associated Press:

Jeb Bush’s recent cancellation of advertising plans in Iowa and South Carolina was yet another cost-saving step for a down-in-the-polls presidential campaign that had already thinned its staff. If not for his flush super PAC, the Republican might be gone from the contest by now. That group, Right to Rise, has burned through half of its $103 million – which still leaves it with about as much cash as John McCain spent during the entire 2008 GOP nominating contest.


Compare this to the leader in the GOP race for the nomination, Donald Trump. His campaign spending is minuscule in comparison to what the other GOPe candidates have blown in the last 6 months.

In the 2016 race, money isn’t buying love from voters. It is, however, buying some candidates more time.

Actually it’s annoying the Hell out of people like me. When my mail comes, fully 70 percent of it is campaign crap from Juan! Bush’s camp. Another 20 percent is from the other candidates and the remaining 10 percent is either standard junk mail or bills. I won’t even bother with the back to back campaign commercials from the Bush camp that make me flip the channels.

Less than a month before voting begins, the Republican field is still thick with a dozen presidential hopefuls. Super PACs are one reason why. Like Bush, Chris Christie and John Kasich are leaning heavily on these outside groups to communicate with voters. Nearly 96 percent of the money for Bush, Kasich and Christie commercials has come not from their official campaigns, but from their supportive super PACs, according to advertising tracker Kantar Media’s CMAG.

And a fat lot of good it’s doing too. Bush, Christie and Kasich, who may be the darlings of the RINO Establishment, are generally despised by the GOP Base. With each campaign commercial, Bush looses another percentage point.

This is the second presidential campaign since super political action committees burst onto the scene after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. The 2010 case made it clear that donors can contribute unlimited amounts of money to groups supporting specific candidates, so long as the candidates don’t directly control the spending.

That means that at any given time a wealthy admirer of a candidate can write a huge check to a super PAC to help keep that person in front of voters, through commercials and mailings. Some super PACs, including one for Carly Fiorina, even have campaign-like voter outreach efforts such as door-knocking and publicizing events that feature the candidate.

I remember when the Citizens United decision came down and all the Moonbats started screeching, tearing their hair out and saying that the 1st Amendment needed to be rewritten to end free speech. The moonbats were terrified that all that money coming in would swamp their candidates and “Buy” the election for the Republicans. So how’s that working out for the GOPe?

Donald Trump’s campaign only recently made its first TV ad, putting up $2 million to air it this week in Iowa and New Hampshire. He has dominated the GOP contest without spending much campaign money, and without major help from super PACs – which he has decried as “disgusting.”

I don’t know why Mr. Trump thinks wasting all that money is disgusting. Think of all the jobs it’s generating? Besides, it isn’t working out to well for Juan! Bush.

Bush, a former Florida governor, is in roughly the opposite position: His super PAC Right to Rise has pumped more than $50 million into its advertising campaign, yet he remains in the single digits in most preference polls.

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I’m not a mathematician, but I would hazard a guess that for every $2 million bush has spent, he’s dropped one point in the polls since he first announced. By the time he blows through the rest of that cash, he should be in the 0-1 percent range.

What we’re seeing is a sea change in the GOP. The base has had it with the RINO’s running things and have revolted. The only people with a chance in the GOP this season will be Trump, Cruz, maybe Carson and Rubio, and Rubio is now having some serious issues of his own. The GOPe is in a blind panic now and are slowly beginning to understand that their days are numbered. It’s going to be very interesting to see the results of the New Hampshire Primary in a few weeks. (The Iowa caucuses are really an organizational thing rather than a real vote)


~The Angry Webmaster~

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