Germany locking the door after the horse has left

Good day all. For the last year, Germany has been allowing hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the country. Many of these “refugees” are men of military age with now wives or children with them.


The German people have decided that enough is enough and have started protesting the influx of people who have no intention of assimilating into German culture. The problem is, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel not only isn’t listening, she’s going after those who are upset with her policies and wants to increase the number of Islamic terrorists coming into Germany.


This has led to the not unexpected problems that occurred on New Years Eve. Hundreds of German women were sexually assaulted by these “refugees.” What makes things worse, is that the German government along with the media have attempted to cover the whole thing up. Needless to say, this has blown up in the faces of Merkel’s party and now they want to “Do something” about the problems they’ve caused. Here are the details from Fox News:

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party is calling for stricter laws regulating asylum seekers after a string of New Year’s Eve sexual assaults and robberies in Cologne blamed largely on foreigners.

Oh lets be accurate here. It’s being blamed on all those Muslim men Merkel and her party let into Germany in the first place. I don’t recall hearing about attacks by roving bands of Norwegians.

The reports of the attacks on women by groups of men described by police as predominantly Arab or North African in origin have fueled calls for tighter controls in Germany, which received nearly 1.1 million migrants in 2015.

don't confuse

Yep, not one single Norwegian or Finn accused in any of the attacks.

The dpa news agency reported that leaders of Merkel’s Christian Democrats meeting Saturday in Mainz agreed on a proposal to strengthen the ability of police to conduct checks of identity papers, and also to exclude foreigners from being granted asylum who had been convicted of crimes and sentenced to terms even as light as probation.

man with head in the ground

So, they intend to do nothing about the Islamic invasion unleashed on Germany by Merkel and her supporters. They might want to check the parks in Berlin. I’ve heard that there is a man with a really funny looking mustache who is speaking about the problems of unassimilated Muslims. He is not saying nice things either.

hilter salute

Ok, I’m being a bit facetious here. There is no Hitler wannabe out there…yet. However, if the German government doesn’t start rethinking Merkel’s plans to hand Germany over to the new Muslim Caliphate, well, the German people might decide it’s time to trade in their Birkenstocks for Jackboots. As it is, I think Merkel’s party, along with the other parties that have supported her demands to import millions of Muslims is going to cost them big time in the next elections, especially if there are more incidents like the New Year’s rape parties, or worse.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Germany locking the door after the horse has left

  1. FriarBob says:

    Hmm… well you’re right that the wannabe isn’t out there YET. Nobody — or at least nobody remotely halfway-sane — ever *starts out* wanting to be the next Hitler. But the way things are going, it will be a MAJOR surprise if one doesn’t emerge from the chaos they’ve created by sheer stupidity.


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