Obama plans “Audacious Executive Action”

Good day all. As you know, King Putt gave his last “I love Me! I am wonderful! I’m the President, gotta love me!” State of the Union address Tuesday night. I didn’t pay much attention to it, and that seems to have been the general theme around the country.


However, yesterday Obama’s Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough, stated that Obama was planning “Audacious Executive Action” in his final year. Here are a few details from the National Review:

White House chief of staff Denis McDonough pushed back against the notion his president is played out in the wake of his last State of the Union address, promising “audacious executive action” in Barack Obama’s final year in office.

Obama golfs the world burns

That doesn’t sound so much like a promise as a threat to me.

During a breakfast with reporters in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, McDonough responded to the observation that the president’s final speech before Congress lacked the usual pledge to “go it alone” if lawmakers failed to act. Coupled with the feeble executive actions on gun control announced earlier this month, had President Obama rethought the utility of acting unilaterally on issues important to the White House?

generalissom Obama

We’ll do audacious executive action over the course of the rest of the year, I’m confident of that,” said McDonough, explaining that President Obama’s decision not to outline specific executive actions was more about a commitment to process than a lack of willpower.

El Heffer

Commitment to process? More like hiding what he plans to do from any oversight until after he’s done it.

Process is your friend, but process also dictates what you can do,” McDonough said. “And we do want to make sure that the executive actions we undertake are not left hanging out there, subject to Congress undoing them.”

constitution, Void where prohibited by Obama

Oh really? Obviously, this constitutional illiterate doesn’t understand that Congress can undue anything Der Fubar does, as can the next president.

In addition to gun control, the White House has expressed interest in further unilateral actions on immigration reform, and in working around Congress to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay. But McDonough said the White House is considering executive action on any and all issues, and that the main question President Obama plans to ask himself is “Why not?”


That final quote, “Why not?” should terrify anyone who believes in the Republic. That question, when asked by a president, is nothing less than the thinking of a tyrant. That Barack Obama is asking that question, and none of his aides or advisers are telling him that what he wants to do is unconstitutional and a clear violation of the separation of powers scare the crap out of me.


With the current make up of Congress, Democrats who think that the ends justify the means, and Republicans who are to cowardly to shut Obama down, we’re in for a very bad year. I’ve argued with some people that if Obama is shown to have broken the law and committed actual felonies while in office, that he should be prosecuted.

They say that it would be a bad idea, that other presidents might decide not to go. These people are not supporters of Obama or the Federal Government, but fail to understand that if the laws don’t apply to the “top of the food chain,” then we are in the very tyranny they want to stop. I have no doubt that Obama would issue an Executive Order outlawing private ownership of guns if he thought he could get away with it. With the remarks of his Chief of Staff, I’m concerned that he thinks he can get away with it.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Obama plans “Audacious Executive Action”

  1. Madoc says:

    Bring it. Seriously, bring it, dude. Bring it. The more Obama pulls this sort of “supreme executive unilateral actions” crap the more the rest of the Democratic Party is stuck defending him. This, rather than trying to advance their agenda and get people to vote for them instead of against Obama. This typifies the guy’s entire presidency – he is a malignant narcissist and is utterly blind to the damage his ego feeding does to everything else around him. Whether you agree or disagree with his agenda, you can not disagree with the damage done to the Democratic Party by it.

    The nation is now back to being majority Republican controlled. Over 900 elected offices have changed over to the GOP since Obama was elected and began his imperial strut. The Republicans are now in the majority at the local, municipal, state and Federal levels. The Democrats haven’t been in this poor a position since the 1920s. This time however, the coming economic nose dive is going to be theirs and theirs alone to own and it will only get worse for their party. I think Obama is going to see his “legacy” be one of contempt among Democrats even more than among Republicans.


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