Open carry demanded at GOP Convention

Good day all. With all the political news regarding the GOP(e)’s thoughts on stealing the nomination from Trump or Cruz, this bit of news has slipped under the radar. Apparently, a group is demanding that people be allowed to openly carry guns into the GOP Convention in Cleveland, Ohio this summer.


Ohio is an open carry state, with caveats. You can’t carry a gun into the state house for example and private property owners can ban both open and concealed carry in their buildings if they so desire. However, the group “Americans for Responsible Open Carry” has started a petition to allow open carry into the Republican convention. Here are the details from the Akron Beacon Journal:

Support has more than quadrupled overnight for a petition to allow firearms at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. The petition, filed by “Americans for Responsible Open Carry,” was filed Monday on, an online forum. By Wednesday, 630 supporters had signed the request to carry firearms in and around Quicken Loans Arena, which will host the 2016 Republican National Convention from July 18-21. With a goal of 5,000 signatures, the petition topped 5,300 by 6 p.m. Thursday.

I looked up the petition and it’s now just under 20K signers.

The Ohio Republican Party, which is sending one of 50 state delegations to Cleveland this summer to nominate the party’s next presidential candidate, said it was not aware of the petition. Nor was the host committee overseeing the convention, although it noted that the Secret Service, in conjunction with Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, state and federal authorities, is handling security for the event.

I suspect the Secret Service is fully aware of the petition and is giving it their typical due diligence. They are ignoring it completely and investigating the originators of the petition and anyone who has signed it. I’ll be honest, I would be stunned if the Secret Service allowed anyone to bring firearms into the convention. Considering how split the GOP is, and how the Establishment RINO’s are working hard to steal the nomination from either Trump or Cruz, I can see them wanting to keep guns out of the convention, and if they had their way, out of Ohio for a week or so.

Criticism of the effort is split between those fundamentally opposing open carry and a more nuanced attack on the Republican Party for not standing behind its traditional support for an uninhibited right to have and hold firearms.

Hypocrisy is the death of political parties. Stand by your frothy principles, or shut up about them,” wrote a commentator from California, whose argument that Republicans tend to support unabridged gun rights but do not always hold events at open-carry friendly venues has been made before by progressive organizations.

I’ve been reading the comments to this story and they are amusing. It’s mostly the hard left Sturmabteilung Brown Shirts hoping that the Republicans have a wild west style shoot out on the convention floor. The bile and hatred by the commentators on the left makes me wonder about their sanity. They may hope that the various factions open up on each other, but in reality, the convention goers will be watching the antics of the Moonbats and Social Justice Warriors instead.


Some of the reasons the petition wants to allow open carry into the Convention Complex is the claim that Cleveland is one of the 10 most dangerous cities in American, and the possibility of an attack on the convention by ISIS.

Cleveland, Ohio is consistently ranked as one of the top ten most dangerous cities in America. By forcing attendees to leave their firearms at home, the RNC and Quicken Loans Arena are putting tens of thousands of people at risk both inside and outside of the convention site. This doesn’t even begin to factor in the possibility of an ISIS terrorist attack on the arena during the convention. Without the right to protect themselves, those at the Quicken Loans Arena will be sitting ducks, utterly helpless against evil-doers, criminals or others who wish to threaten the American way of life.

Honestly, I’m not worried about an ISIS attack on the conventions, either of them. You are going to have federal, state and local police swarming the building and the areas where the convention goers will be traveling to. Even criminals will want to think twice before trying anything. Besides, while people might not be able to bring in guns to the Convention, they can bring carry them everywhere else.

Smoking gun

As I mentioned above, the hard left morons, such as the Black Lives, (and no one else’s), Matter thugs, along with the usual assortment of Moonbats, Anarchists, Occupy Everything and other Social Justice Warriors will be in Cleveland looking to cause trouble. Cleveland is putting together a plan to deal with the possibility that the moonbats will riot. It won’t involve things like heavy automatic weapons fire into the protestors…even if they deserve it.


Instead, we will see what could happen if the convention goers do go out and about with their guns. They won’t be looking for trouble, but as we’ve been seeing more and more of, they won’t tolerate the SJW’s usual antics. If they start rioting, and the police aren’t able to break it up, you can bet your bottom dollar that more then a few of those morons will end up in the hospital, or more likely, the morgue.

Cutting off and surrounding a few small groups of convention delegates and trying to beat them into the ground will result, if any of them are carrying, in one or more drawing and firing. This is the one thing that the Moonbats forget.

Barking Moonbat

Armed citizens are not police officers, they do not engage in police work and more importantly, do not think like a police officer. Police will draw their weapons in the course of their duties. They won’t fire them, but the drawn weapons are meant to intimidate criminals into surrender. An armed citizen has been taught that the only time you draw a gun is under very limited circumstances. When at a range and shooting at targets, putting it away and when they consider their lives or the lives of other at risk.

They are specifically told that you do not draw your gun as a means to threaten people. You draw it only with the intent to actually fire it, and only if you feel that your life is at risk, or the lives of others are at risk. In those occasions when a citizen does draw, but doesn’t fire, it usually means that the criminal spots the gun and runs away or surrenders. (This happens many, many more times then an actual shot being fired)

I have no doubt that under a “worst case scenario” where really radical groups start hunting down convention goers, a few of them will be shot and killed. Then the “Usual Suspects” will start their usual screeches about “Racist Nazi White Gun Owners and how dare they not let us poor downtrodden purveyors of Social Justice beat them into a bloody coma. Bad news guys, gals or whatever you think you are this week, it’s not going to work anymore.

As to this petition, it isn’t going anywhere. There is some question as to who actually started it. There are a few rumors that it was actually some SJW’s trying a “False Flag” operation to embarrass the GOP. It doesn’t matter of course. The Secret Service will not allow anyone in there with guns except under very special circumstances.

If ISIS were to try anything, such as another suicide attack, they won’t even make it through the front doors. Actually, they would probably hit the large groups of Moonbats since it will be far easier to get at them. They won’t have guns after all and will be a much easier target to reach. I know they haven’t considered that possibility either, although you know that the various law enforcement groups have. (Yes, they have to protect the idiots too)


~The Angry Webmaster~

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