Health Insurance more expensive then ever

Good day all. Remember the lies told by Obama, Pelosi and Reid when they shoved Obamacare down the throats of Americans? They were numerous, but one that stood out was the claim that people would save $2500 a year.


Yeah, right, and I have a bridge to sell you. My personal insurance has doubled since the (un)Affordable Care Act was passed. Since I’m unemployed at the moment, that insurance is eating significantly into my savings. Now reports are coming out that health insurance premiums are going up faster than wages. Here are the details from the Free Beacon:

Health insurance premiums have increased faster than wages and inflation in recent years, rising an average of 28 percent from 2009 to 2014 despite the enactment of Obamacare, according to a report from Freedom Partners.

A small correction here. The increases in premiums aren’t “Despite” Obamacare, but directly due TO Obamacare.

The Obama administration expressed concern in 2009 about skyrocketing health care premiums in a report entitled, “The Burden of Health Insurance Premium Increases on American Families.” They were concerned that premiums had increased by 5.5 percent from 2008 to 2009. However, from 2010 to 2011 in the first year after Obamacare was enacted, premiums increased by 9.4 percent.

triple facepalm

In 2009, when the [Executive Office of the President] issued its report, states had seen premiums increase on average by 30 percent between 2004 and 2009,” states the Freedom Partners report. “But since 2009, health insurance premiums have continued to grow faster than wages in nearly every state, averaging a 28 percent increase from 2009 to 2014, resulting in a greater amount of disposable income being consumed by rising premiums.”

According to the report, while premiums increased by 28 percent from 2009 to 2014, wages increased by only 7.8 percent. From 2004 to 2009 when premiums increased by 30 percent, wages increased by only 12.2 percent.

The data also finds that health care costs have exceeded the rate of inflation. “The average annual cost of a family’s employer-sponsored health insurance policy was $17,545 in 2015, which marks a 4.2 percent increase from the 2014 average of $16,834, while the inflation rate remained low at 0.1 percent,” states the report.

With health care costs still rising faster than inflation six years after passage of the Affordable Care Act, it is clear that the law is not helping lower the burden of health care expenses for American families.”

Obamacare, Shovel Ready

No sh*t Sherlock. We knew back in 2009 when Obama and the Democrats started working on this monstrosity that it wouldn’t work. The majority of people were opposed to this and told their representatives that they didn’t want it. However, the Democrats, thinking they are actually rulers and not representatives, basically told the American people to shut up and pay up to their real constituents, the insurance companies.

Americans can expect their health care costs to rise again in 2017. According to Stephen Parente, a scholar at the University of Minnesota, each type of health care plan on the exchanges can expect to see an average premium increase of 7.3 percent for families and 11 percent for individuals.

The Administration claimed the ACA would bend the cost curve, but our report shows it bent in the wrong direction—premiums didn’t slow down under the Affordable Care Act, they sped up,” said Nathan Nascimento, senior policy adviser at Freedom Partners.

obamacare trainwreck

The administration, basically King Putt, outright lied to the American people about what this thing was going to do. Bend the costs down? HAH! Here’s another lie. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

No wonder the White House is trying to change the national conversation away from health care costs. By their own standards, the Affordable Care Act has failed.”


And they will never, EVER admit that. After all, “The One” is never ever wrong. The passage of Obamacare caused the rise of the Tea Party and the eventual blowouts by the Republicans, who eventually took control of both houses of Congress. Of course, as we’ve seen, they have themselves failed to reign in this disaster, and the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, who promised to get rid of Obamacare, promptly funded the damn thing.

dead rino

In my case, since I am having trouble finding a job, I’m going to have to make a decision in the next few months. Do I eat and keep a roof over my head as I deplete my savings, or do I give up my insurance plan, which was grandfathered under Obamacare? Thanks to that traitor, Chief Justice John Roberts, I am now forced to pay for something I can’t afford. The cheapest plans available are essentially worthless and are nothing more that direct payments to insurance companies. This is what “Hope and Change” has brought us. Poverty and bankruptcy.

Thanks a lot.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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