Comrade Bernie off D.C. ballot

Good day all. Comrade Bernie Sanders received some bad news yesterday. It seems that they forgot to put him on the ballot for the Washington D.C. Democrat primary.


The Democrat party is claiming that it was a “Registration error,” but Comrade Bernie is still screwed. Here are the details from Politico:

As a result of a registration error committed by the District of Columbia Democratic Party, Sen. Bernie Sanders won’t appear on the Washington D.C. ballot. The Vermont senator’s name won’t appear on the ballot because the party submitted the requisite paperwork one day too late, according to NBC’s Washington affiliate, News4.

Oh I’m sure it was just a mistake. Perhaps Comrade Bernie was delayed in submitting the requisite fees and paperwork?

Both the Sanders’ campaign and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid the $2,500 fee to appear on the June 14 Democratic primary ballot on time but the district’s Democratic Party failed to inform the Washington D.C. Board of Elections until March 17, one day after the deadline.

As they say in all the police shows, “That’s a likely story!”

There are still avenues for Sanders to make the ballot — Anita Bonds, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party in D.C., told News4 that the problem could be resolved via an emergency vote of the D.C. City Council.

Any takers on that emergency vote happening? If Cankles has anything to say about it, the city council will be politely reminded that the Potomec is not far from City Hall.

In a statement, the Sanders campaign said it expected to get on the ballot. “We did what the D.C. law requires in order to get Bernie on the ballot and we are confident he will be on the ballot,” communications director Michael Briggs said

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, haven’t you figured out that Hillary is the new “Chosen One?” The only way she won’t be the nominee is if she is forced to trade in her orange pantsuit for an orange jumpsuit.


Which brings up another problem for Cankles. What is going to happen to all those mathematically challenged moonbats that are supporting Comrade Bernie? Does she think they will come over the cankled side and vote for her in the general? According to Yahoo News, probably not.

Bernie Sanders has dubbed his presidential campaign a “political revolution,” but some of his supporters are rebelling against the very party he is hoping to lead.

Ahh yes, the “Rebels without a clue.”

A voluble group of die-hard Sanders backers is vowing online that it’s “Bernie or Bust,” saying they will never support his presidential primary opponent — and, at this point, the likely Democratic nominee — Hillary Clinton.

hillary shocked

Nearly two months after voting began in the Democratic primaries, Clinton has racked up a lead among pledged party delegates that makes a Sanders victory increasingly implausible.

The word you are looking for is “Impossible,” not “Implausible.” Comrade Bernie never had a chance. Did you people actually think that the Democrat party has any belief in actual democracy?

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In apparent recognition of this mathematical challenge and the need to begin aiming fire outside the party, Sanders in recent weeks has pivoted away from Clinton and toward Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.

Does he think he actually has any real chance against Trump? Donald Trump is salivating at the chances of a debate between Comrade Bernie and himself.

Yet at the same time Sanders is making the case that he’s actually more electable in a matchup with Trump, he has also started talking about the circumstances under which he would endorse Clinton. His senior adviser, Tad Devine, has even suggested that Sanders would consider serving as Clinton’s running mate.

Umm, what? Comrade Bernie is willing to be Cankles vice-president? You know, that might not be such a bad idea, considering that Hillary Rodham Clinton would be looking at impeachment about 5 minutes after talking the oath of office.

Despite these glimmers of reconciliation with his rival, Sanders may have unleashed a rebellion that will be beyond his power to control when it comes time to unify the party. Some “Bernie or Bust” stalwarts say they won’t back Clinton even if Sanders joins her ticket.

Hmm, this sounds a lot like the Republican 2008 ticket. You had John McCain and Sarah Palin. Many people, myself included, were voting the mccain/PALIN!!! ticket in hopes that McStain would drop dead 20 minutes after taking the oath of office. However, the ever shortsighted Moonbats aren’t thinking that far ahead.

If Bernie Sanders were to accept a vice presidential bid from Hillary Clinton, it would so disillusion me to the integrity of Bernie Sanders that I don’t know what I would do. I can’t even conceive of him accepting that offer,” Russ Belville, an Internet Radio Host, said.

James Scolari, a photographer in Los Angeles, echoed that view. “I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, and, God, I hope Sanders wouldn’t serve as her running mate,” Scolari said. “I don’t believe he would.”

He might. Comrade Bernie is getting up there in years, right along with the Cankled one. Yes, Donald Trump is pushing 70; but he looks a lot…healthier, than either Hillary or Bernie, especially Bernie. Still, the average Bernie supporter is not one I would call “The sharpest knife in the drawer.”

The “Bernie or Bust” voters who spoke with Yahoo News cited several areas where they view Clinton’s policies as insufficiently progressive, including her stance on military intervention in the Middle East, fracking, the minimum wage, Wall Street regulation and campaign finance reform. They also pointed to instances where she has changed her position, such as on gay marriage, the Keystone pipeline and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Precious Snowflake

When these unicorn fart sniffing special snowflakes say that Cankles isn’t “Progressive enough,” they mean she isn’t a flaming communist like their hero, Josef Stalin Bernie Sanders.

I just can’t see myself voting for someone that’s a warmongering person,” cinematographer Andy Kirn of Los Angeles said of Clinton.

Warmongering? So the fact that she violated the law and many levels doesn’t bother you? Only her votes on invading Iraq? (Which was a stupid idea. We should have finished the job in Afghanistan instead)

There are certain things about Clinton that are so unsavory and so undesirable that I can’t see myself legitimizing that with a vote, and I don’t think I’m alone there.”

Well, how about that? A point on which we agree.

Belville argues that Clinton is a “Rockefeller Republican” in Democratic clothing. “I have longed for the return of moderate Republicans, just not in the Democratic Party,” Belville told Yahoo News. “I think my basic objection is: I’m on the left. I’d like there to be a party that represents me.”

evil hillary2

Excuse me? Hillary Rodham Clinton, a Rockefeller Republican? On what planet? The only thing Cankles cares about is Hillary Rodham Clinton, money and power. The Rockefeller Republicans occasionally did support the United States. Hillary supports Hillary.

The election cycle of 2016 will go down as one of the more entertaining elections in decades, possibly in a century or more. We are seeing the Republican party, in it’s desperation to stop Donald Trump, looking at committing political suicide. The Democrats aren’t that far behind. Keeping Bernie Sanders off the ticket in Washington will show that the fix was in from the very start for all his supporters in the Free Stuff Army.


Damn! Out of popcorn again!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Comrade Bernie off D.C. ballot

  1. VonZorch says:

    Belville told Yahoo News. “I think my basic objection is: I’m on the left. I’d like there to be a party that represents me.”
    Dummy, there’s always CPUSA.


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