About those climate forecasts?

They might not be entirely…accurate. Good day all. It seems that there is a small problem with all those climate forecasts. It appears that they are actually, dead wrong.


“How can this be?” you may be asking yourselves. “Isn’t climate change real? Aren’t we all going to die unless we move back into the caves?” Well, the climate is always changing, and has been ever since the Earth developed an atmosphere, and will continue until the Earth is swallowed by the sun in 5 billion years or so. Here’s the explanation of what is happening from Yahoo! News:

Predictions of unprecedented rainfall extremes in the 20th century driven by global warming turned out wrong, a study said Wednesday, casting doubt on methods used to project future trends. A massive trawl of Northern Hemisphere rainfall data for the last 1,200 years revealed there had been more dramatic wet-dry weather extremes in earlier, cooler centuries before humans set off fossil fuel-driven global warming.

First, they had to bring in Global Warming. We know that Global warming is not happening, at least not the way the members of the Church of Global Warming, (Algore be Praised! Algore Akbar!), claim it is.


Second, there has been a truckload of information that’s come out on how these “scientists” have been monkeying around with the data to make it fit their religious beliefs.

This is problematic, said a study in the journal Nature, as the same data models used to anticipate that global warming would cause record rainfall extremes in the 1900s, are the basis for projections of things to come.

“It might be more difficult than often assumed to project into the future,” the study’s lead author Fredrik Ljungqvist of Stockholm University told AFP of the findings.

Oh I’m not worried. I’m sure that the con men scientists who are cooking the books studying climate change will doctor the evidence rework their models to address this issue.

“The truth can be much, much more complicated.”

And the truth is, Global Warming and it’s successor, Climate Change, is nothing more than a fraud perpetrated on the world to gain the perpetrators large amounts of grants for phony studies.

The UN’s climate science panel, the consensus authority, contends that dry areas will become ever drier and wet ones wetter as the global temperature rises in response to greenhouse gas emissions. But the new work said sky-high temperatures in the 20th century did not directly translate into record extremes between wet and dry weather, as many had expected.

eye roll

Sky high temperatures? I know it was a bit warmer in the 1940’s, except in places like, oh Stalingrad? I’m certain there are a lot of very frozen to death Germans who wish that the world was warmer, if they had lived to make that wish.

This divergence “certainly adds fuel to the fiery debate” on the link between warming and rainfall extremes, Matthew Kirby of California State University’s Department of Geological Sciences wrote in a comment published by Nature.

Debate? There is no debate. The science is settled. The facts are in. Anyone who disagrees is a heathen who must be burned at the stake!

“Do their results invalidate current predictive models? Certainly not.

Yes, actually they do. If the models take known historical data and generate garbage, then the models are invalid.

recovering dumbass

But they do highlight a big challenge for climate modellers, and present major research opportunities both for modellers and climate scientists…”

Yeah, like actually getting models that match up with the historical data.

James Renwick of the Victoria University of Wellington said the predicted wet and dry extremes are “very likely” to materialise in the 21st, century.


Why? They haven’t happened yet, and as we have determined, the models used to make these predictions are a load of horse manure.

Extreme drought and downpours are among many risks that scientists warn about in a warmer world. Others include land-gobbling sea level rise, crop and water shortages, disease spread and wars over dwindling resources.


According to these morons predictions, New York City should be underwater right now. I wonder if they ever heard the story of Chicken Little? These dunderheads love to make claims that the world will end unless we give them and their Pope, Algore, (Algore Ackbar!), huge amounts of money to “study the problem.”

They also seem to want to control all aspects of human life up to and including killing off as many people as possible, (Except themselves of course, they are the “enlightened” ones after all), and basically creating a totalitarian state ruled by…them. The problem with their plans is the facts. People here them screaming about Global Warming, and then they have to go outside in the cold and shovel a foot of snow off their cars. It’s far past time to take this nonsense to court and have Global Warming or Climate Change declared a religion, not a true scientific fact and strip it of all government funding. (Separation of Church and State don’t you know)


~The Angry Webmaster~

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