House Ethics report says Alan Grayson probably unethical

Good day all. A couple of months ago I wrote a post on Representative Alan Grayson, (Crook-FL), and how Harry Reid had called on him to drop out of the race for Marco Rubot’s senate seat due to his ethics problems.

Stupid Criminal

The very fact that Dingy Harry Reid, a man known to play fast and loose with ethics, demanded that Grayson quit the race should be a sign of just how bad he is. Well, the House Ethics committee has come back with a report saying “Yeah, Grayson probably broke the rules.” Here are the details from Fox News:

A congressional review panel said Tuesday that Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson likely violated House rules in his business activities and use of congressional staff, as the separate House Ethics Committee moved to extend its probe.


Grayson, who is running for the Senate seat being vacated by ex-GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio, is being scrutinized regarding a hedge fund he started when he was not a member of Congress and for allegedly using his congressional staff for unofficial business.

So, what did the Crazy Crook do?

The office said in a 74-page report released Tuesday there is “reason to believe” that Grayson improperly lent his name to the hedge fund and received compensation from entities connected to the fund. The report also said Grayson likely received compensation for services rendered by someone else when he was a member of Congress. The findings from the independent OCE were referred to the House Ethics Committee, according to a joint statement by the panel’s Republican and Democratic leaders.

Grayson was also rumored to have used his staffers to help run this hedge fund. Grayson is pulling a Hillary Clinton and denying everything, including the color of the sky.

Grayson, on a conference call with reporters, claimed what he did was not only “legal” but “commonplace.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” he said, arguing the investigation is essentially over.

Grayson’s Senate campaign touted the fact that the full committee has not – at this point – opened a full-blown investigation.

“The Ethics Committee decision against establishing an investigative subcommittee is highly significant, because in every single case where the Ethics Committee has issued a formal sanction (expulsion, censure or reprimand) against a Member of Congress based on an OCE referral, it has done so only after establishing an investigative subcommittee,” the campaign said.


Yes, the key phrase is “At this point.” Whether or not they will is open for discussion, but please. This guy is not only corrupt, but stupid as well. I wonder if he’s paying support for his kids yet?

Grayson has denied wrongdoing. His campaign suggested Tuesday the complaint was politically motivated.


The campaign said the complaint was filed by Celeste Bush, chairwoman of Florida’s St. Lucie County Democratic Party and a political ally of Rep. Patrick Murphy, Grayson’s opponent in the Senate Democratic primary.


Grayson is a dirtbag. He lies, cheats and steals. He lost his first bid for reelection, and only got his seat back when the district was gerrymandered by the RINO’s in the legislature to get rid of a Tea Party conservative who the GOP(e) hated. He has little to no chance of winning Rubots seat, and could lose his current seat if he runs for reelection. If he somehow wins, considering what a disgrace to the Democrats he is, (Which is a major achievement), don’t be surprised if they don’t file formal ethics charges on him.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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