And the results are in from Wisconsin

Good day all. The election results are in. Hillary Clinton is most unhappy and Donald Trump is retooling after putting his foot in it with an unforced error.

triple facepalm

In a three way race on the GOP side, Ted Cruz won with 48% of the vote. Trump came in second with 35% and Kasich with 14%. As you might expect, the GOP Establishment commentators are screaming “It’s All over for Trump! He needs to pull out now! Actually it isn’t all over, but the chances for a brokered convention have gone up significantly. When that happens, both Trump and Cruz will be shown the door and yet another “Can’t lose” election will be blown by the Party of Stupid.

dead rino

On the Democrat side, things are even more entertaining. Clinton was crushed by Comrade Bernie, 56% to 43%. It wasn’t even close. Of course, as I and others have said, it doesn’t matter since Hillary has been anointed the nominee and nothing Comrade Bernie does will change that. At least that’s the DNC’s story and they are sticking to it.

Hillary Hitler

This is going to be a problem for the Democrats however. Cankles keeps losing primaries. According to the polls, she was leading Comrade Bernie in Wisconsin. Currently, the polls are saying she is leading in New York. If she also loses that election, then all those super-delegates she’s counting on may decide to abandon ship and board the Good Ship Lolipop Sanders train instead.

train wreck!

For the Republicans, things are a bit different. Trump is the front runner with regards to the delegate count with Cruz a few hundred behind him. Kasich is essentially nothing more than a spoiler. The next big primaries for the GOP are New York and California. Normally, the GOP nominee is already pretty much decided, but as we have seen, this year is different. This makes the New York and California primaries actually important. According to some polls I’ve seen, and I don’t pay much attention to them, Trump is way ahead of Cruz.

Donald Trump

So what does all this mean? The two political conventions are going to be very interesting, in the Chinese definition of “Interesting.” On the Democrat side, if Comrade Bernie keeps winning primaries, but thanks to how the Democrat National Committee has rigged the game, he doesn’t have enough delegates to win the nomination, Cankles will be crowned as the Democrats Presidential Nominee.

We’re already seeing large numbers of Bernie supporters flat out saying they won’t vote for Hillary Clinton, no matter what. There is also the issue of her criminal activities and that she is under investigation for mishandling classified information and public corruption. She could actually be indicted the same day she accepts the nomination.

Hillary for Prison

On the Republican side, if we get a brokered convention, the general feeling among the base is that it will be between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. The problem is that the GOP Establishment, better known as the RINO’s or GOP(e), have other ideas. There is a feeling that they will pull a fast one and give the nomination to someone like Paul Ryan or even Mittens Romney. That would all but guarantee an outright rebellion from the base and the probable defeat, again, of the GOP nominee.


One of the problems with the GOP(e) is their contempt for and tone deafness to the GOP base as well as all the independents out there. The various conservative groups, such as the Tea Party are turning on the GOP(e) for their refusal to keep their promises. Paul Ryan, once he took the speakership, promptly gave Obama everything he asked for in a direct kick to the groin of the GOP base.

An interesting aside to this, Donald Trump carried Paul Ryan’s district in yesterdays primary. Considering that Ryan now has a credible primary challenger, if he is given the nomination, the odds are he will lose his seat in the house no matter what. I haven’t seen any polls for his district, but I understand his constituents aren’t all that happy with him. He could end up the next Eric Cantor.


Getting back to the Democrats, there has been some talk of replacing Hillary Clinton, particularly if she is indicted. The Democrats know that Comrade Bernie can’t win in a general election, no matter how stupid the GOP(e) may be. Even if he did win, he would be unable to govern since his policies are to the left of Josef Stalin.


Since he won’t be given the nomination due the shenanigans the DNC has been pulling, they have been looking at giving the nomination to Vice President Joseph “Slow Joe” Biden. Joe Biden may be “The Savior” of the DNC, but he would be hammered in the general. Right off the bat the GOP would bring up Biden’s opposition to taking out Osama bin Laden. (He wanted the Pakistani’s to arrest him) His record of being totally wrong on generally everything would be brought up.

Slow Joe Biden

Another possibility the Democrats have been playing with would be to have Elizabeth Warren run. Of course, she also has a significant amount of baggage. She is a hard left wing nutjob, not dissimilar to Bernie Sanders, and she is also a proven liar and fraud. She is the one who claims to be part American Indian and used that claim to improve her chances of getting a job.


It has been decades since we had an election season this interesting. We may not know who the two nominees are until both conventions have been held. Even then, if both parties decide to ignore the will of the voters, and install people who didn’t even run in the primaries, the “Interesting times” will become very interesting. To be honest, this election could spell the end of the Republican Party and the Democrat party. Personally, having both sides implode and join the old Whig party is just fine with me, and a large number of other people.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to And the results are in from Wisconsin

  1. VonZorch says:

    You have perpetrated a vile slur. Stumps and boxes or rocks are ever so much smarter than Ol’ Gaffe-O-Matic.
    I too would like to see both wings of the Amerikan Statist Partei go belly up.


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